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The thematic boundaries are flexible. The 2017 conference put focus on two more themes: urbanization and vulnerability.

The themes take, as a starting point, the mediatization (representation) of previous and contemporary issues about our environment. Environmental issues that have not yet been made available to a wider audience, are equally relevant. Research about concrete environmental problems  - and solutions - whether they are of a technical, economical, social, literary, ideological, biological or chemical nature, are welcome, as are examples of  multidisciplinary attempts.

1. Media, memories and cultural flows

Mediatization of memories and representations of environmental issues; popular cultural representations of environmental threats and innovations to cope with climate change, collective memories of these threats and innovations.

2. Celebrities politics and environmental commitment

This theme is interested in celebrities and political spokesmen/women for environmental issues and climate change, and environmental commitment through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Public Relations (PR) beyond the public policy debate.

3. Strategic environmental communication

This theme is interested in the applicability of behaviour and social change communication theories and models for environmental communication campaigns, as well as lessons we can learn from successful interventions and projects (recycling, waste management, sanitation, biodiversity) that encourage both international/national/individual agency.

4. History of the Environmental Discourses

This theme is about discourse formation in different scientific traditions (natural sciences, humanities,  social and behavioral sciences), in the academic/public, in the private or in the civil sectors. Environmental issues propagated in different organizational contexts (e.g. the UN or NGOs) and in the political and public debate. Historical perspective on research dealing with environmental issues as well as contemporary discourses, e.g. different conceptions of Nature, the man – nature relationship or "climate change denial".

5. Local media, global environmental threats: Storytelling

The climate issue "impossibility" in local and global journalistic contexts. As stated by the "Keep it [the oil and coal] in the ground" campaign (The Guardian), climate change is the biggest story in humanity. At the same time it is argued that it is too complex for only journalism. This theme is also interested in how people relate to environmental issues (threats/myths/truths opportunities) locally and globally and what new stories should be told.

6. Environmental Disasters in the risk society

More than ever, we are presented with images of environmental disasters via the media. Whether it's about pronounced man-made disasters (e.g. Chernobyl) or natural disasters (e.g. tsunamis), or natural disasters as a result of human impact on nature (e.g. drought), they tend to nourish threatening scenarios and dystopias. The notion that we share a common ecological fate is captured in the concept of risk society. At the same time the memories of past disasters mitigates with time. This theme is interested in the different external conditions (economic, social and educational) that may hinder or enable individuals, as well as collectives, to mobilize initiatives and advocacy on environmental issues.

7. Sustainable City Development: Green Spaces in urban environments and social change.

“Go green!” This is part of the climate change discourse. Urban sprawl can result in the reduction of green space and higher recreational use pressure on these areas. This theme is interested in the relationship between urban green spaces and community engagement, the uses of recreational areas as a green space (e.g. botanic gardens), different  initiatives to develop green spaces (e.g. roof top gardens) and perceptions of these areas. This also includes built environments. Presentations of practical examples and experiences are welcome.

8. Engraved memories and heritage: local and indigenous knowledge

Land redistribution and conservation programmes, as well as social change initiatives with previously marginalized peoples have created partnerships  between public, private, community and academic sectors. These partners, or stakeholders, may hold different interpretations and understandings of ‘nature’, ‘conservation’ and ‘heritage’. These interpretations are dynamic and  evolve over time. This theme is interested in the perceptions and memories of nature and heritage according to different stakeholders and within a variety of projects. Local and indigenous knowledge can contribute to developments in conservation, sustainable land use, and biodiversity, as well as livelihood strategies such as eco-tourism.

9. Environmental Education

Environmental Education (EE) is the teaching of individuals, and communities, in transitioning to a society that is knowledgeable of the environment and its associated problems, aware of the solutions to these problems, and motivated to solve them. As such Environmental Education is at the very core of modern days education for bringing up new generations, no less important than language skills, mathematics or civic education. The conference is an opportunity for educationalists to discuss these matters and elaborate on theories and analytic frames for understanding the contemporary and future development of Environmental Education within education.

10. Consuming of Clothing

In the Western world, ever more garments are consumed. The cost of clothing has gone down, while people continue to buy new clothes. Many of the clothes are made in sweatshops across the globe, where people work long hours under unreasonable conditions and low pay. The clothes can then be purchased for such low amounts that they easily can be discarded by the wearer before they are worn out. The inflated consumption has a devastating impact on the environment, especially in countries where textile manufacturing takes place. The panel will highlight the environmental disaster garment production means in various Asian low-wage countries but also explore possibilities of sustainable clothing consumption. What can we as consumers do for the environment?


Published by: Catarina Carlsson Page responsible: Veronica Liljeroth Updated: 2022-09-22
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