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About the Library

The University Library is located at the centre of our campus. The Library is open to students, members of staff and to the public. Learning center, which is the University centre for support and development concerning flexible learning, is also located here.

  • The Library's activitities

The Library's mission is to be a competence centre for providing information and for teaching involving IKT-techonology and IKT-teaching methods.

The goal of the Library's instruction in information retrieval is to develop students' information competence. The Library unit Learning Center supports netbased learning and increases users' digital competence.

The Library's environmental work

The Library engages in systematic work with environmental issues and the University of Gävle is environmentally certified according to ISO 14001.

Read about the Library's environmental work
  • The Library engages in systematic environmental work and the University is environmentally certified according to ISO 14001.
  • The Library's roof is covered with sedum plants. Sedum plants belongs to the Crassulaceae family, in which we find different species of what is commonly known as stonecrop. During winter, the sedum roof keeps the snow in place; hence, the risk for snow falling from the roof is reduced.

    In the Library's offices, group study rooms and bathrooms, the lighting switches on automatically when you enter the rooms. The shelf lighting fixtures are connected to motion detection sensors and switch on when a visitor approaches.

    All rooms are specially adjusted to have a good indoor climate. Supply air, fresh outdoor air, is sent into all rooms when they are in use. Air circulation in the offices increases when someone is present and decreases when they are empty.

    Moreover, the roof also replaces the green area which was lost when the building was built on the campus lawn.

    Technology that reduces our environmental impact
    Our web meeting tools reduce the need for travelling for University staff as well as for students.
  • Public computers in the library are switched off automatically when the Library closes.
  • Read more about the University's work for sustainable development

The Library building

The Library was completed in the year 2005 and has the form of an amphitheatre.

Read more about the Library building

The Library was designed by the architectural firm Tirsén & Aili Arkitekter from Luleå. Construction client was Akademiska Hus Uppsala, and the Library was completed in 2005.
The Library has the form of an amphitheatre. Its roof is covered with Sedum plants from the Crassulaceae family. The area of the Library itself is 3 861 square metres and the total area of the building is 5 155 m2.

The Library is located in the middle of the University campus and is named building 23.
The building offers a range of inspiring and varied indoor environments for different activities from the open, spatial media hall to the low and quiet reading room.


The Library

Telephone: 026-64 85 48
e-mail: biblioteket@hig.se
Postal address: Högskolan i Gävle, Biblioteket, 801 76 Gävle
Visiting address: Kungsbäcksvägen 47, Gävle

Published by: Elisabeth Jansson Page responsible: Jenny Ericsson Updated: 2023-09-08
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)