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Research presentation

Lena O Magnusson

Lena O Magnusson

Research presentation

Lena O Magnusson

Senior lecturer
Head of Art Education

Research subject: Art education
Research domain: Educational Sciences

Lena O Magnusson holds a PhD in Arts Education from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She is a senior lecturer in visual arts and arts education. Magnusson leads the research group ECE (Early Childhood Education); she is also engaged in the research group ROLE (Research On Learning Environments). Her main research area concerns young children and preschool education, focusing on digital technology, STEAM education, literacy, learning environment, visual art pedagogy and visual culture. Another area of interest is research on aesthetic [learning] processes, aesthetic forms of expression, and their capacity in teacher education.


Magnusson has one ongoing research project. It is a Swedish Research Council-funded project, STEAM teaching in preschool, run between 2023–2026 and is a collaboration between University of Gävle, Stockholm University and Umeå University. Read more about the STEAM project.



Published by: Camilla Haglund Page responsible: Sara Perttunen Sundberg Updated: 2023-05-04
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)