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Research presentation

Jari Ristiniemi

Research presentation

Jari Ristiniemi


Research subject: Religious Studies

Jari Ristiniemi is professor in Religious Studies and programme director of the Master Programme in Religious Studies.


Globalisation and Social Ethics, Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics, and Religion, Dostoevsky as a philosopher; Children's thoughts about life; Existential issues in research and education; Paul Tillich's differential monism


The teaching is based on the correlation method in which human issues in different historical eras in the past and in present time is the starting point. The following topics are discussed: What are the questions people have asked at different times? How have they applied for and seeking answers to these questions? What are the scientific answers in relation to those of philosophies of life and religious responses? How do we determine what is relevant, true or false? The teaching is usually done in the reflexive groups where participants may define and express their questions. A reflective surface is created in which different perspectives on the issues are expressed. I have years of experience in contract training in ethical issues in health care.

Published by: Sara Perttunen Sundberg Page responsible: Sara Perttunen Sundberg Updated: 2020-01-31
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