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Resource allocation strategies for EMG data collection

Resource allocation strategies for EMG data collection of the erector spinae muscles, and issues influencing exposure parameter variance attributable to normalization

Tradeoffs must be made during research study design to accommodate fiscal and temporal limitations. Still, the data collected must be sufficiently robust to answer the study questions. Designing studies with sufficient statistical power while minimizing the time and monetary costs is dependent on understanding the variance of the measured signals and the tools used to measure them. These data are not readily available for the recording of  ES EMG.

Anticipated Contributions to the Literature

This paper will present data and clear methods for designing studies involving ES EMG measurements while considering time, money and location constraints.

PhD Student

Jennie Jackson


Prof. Svend Erik Mathiassen, CBF
Published by: Zara Lindahl Page responsible: Magnus Isaksson Updated: 2015-04-02
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)