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Research presentation

Katrin Lättman

Research presentation

Katrin Lättman

Senior lecturer, docent

Research subject: Psychology

Katrin Lättman does her research on experiences, perceptions, and accessibility within sustainable and active modes of day-to.day travel – such as commuting or activity participation. Pshychological aspects are a central, and ogoing studies include focusing on specifik travel modes; on particular (groups of) individuals such as commuters or vurnerable groups; on the meaning and importance of pshychosocial factors for different experiences or behaviour; and on relationships between travel experiences and health and well-being.

Katrin´s research has so far resulted in the development of two psychometric instruments; 1) the Percieved Accessibility Scale (PAC) which is used for evaluating percieved accessibility in daily travel with different (combinations of) travel modes (and which has been used by practitioners in Sweden and Europe as well as worldwide), and 2) the Short Percieved Walkability Scale (SPWS) which is developed for evaluating percieved walkability.


Project: Walkurban – Freeing up potential for sustainable and active travel by improving walking and its connections with public transport. Duration 2021-2024.

WalkUrban is an EU project which focuses on different aspects of accessability and walkability in urban neighbourhoods in Gothenburg, Genoa and Dortmund. The project uses mixed methods for collecting and analysing data from two urban neighbourhoods per target city – and the overall aim is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of local accessibility and urban walkability in order to free up the potential for walking. A particular focus lies on the experience and perceptions of individuals living in, and using, these areas and specific target groups such as commuters, school children and elderly. The project is run in close collaboration with local stakeholders. Main partners are ILS, Germany (Project coordinators), University College, London, and the City of Genoa.

Read more about the Walkurban project 

WalkUrban (Swedish partner) is financed by Energimyndigheten, Vinnova and Formas.


Karlstad University: CTF – Service research center; https://www.kau.se/ctf and the Department of Pshycology. Main collaborators; prof. Lars E Olsson, prof. Margareta Friman, and prof. Satoshi Fujii, Kyoto University, Japan.

Victoria University, Australia. Project: Social Value creation for transport and infrastructure. Aims at securing jobs in West Melbourne by researching transport opportunities for a diversity of individuals: https://www.vu.edu.au/vu-rise-recover-innovate-sustain-evolve/jobs-skills-hub/social-value-creation-for-transport-infrastructure

KTH/VTI: Mistra SAMS – project (sustainable accessibility and mobility services): https://www.sams.kth.se/team



Scholarly articles, refereed

Lättman, K. & Otsuka, N. (2024). Sustainable Development of Urban Mobility through Active Travel and Public Transport. Sustainability, 16 (2). 10.3390/su16020534 [More information]
De Vos, J., Lättman, K., van der Vlugt, A., Welsch, J. & Otsuka, N. (2023). Determinants and effects of perceived walkability: a literature review, conceptual model and research agenda. Transport reviews, 43 (2), 303-324. 10.1080/01441647.2022.2101072 [More information]
Lättman, K., Olsson, L., Waygood, E. & Friman, M. (2023). Nowhere to go – effects on elderly's travel during Covid-19. Travel Behaviour & Society, 32. 10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100574 [More information]
Andersson, J., Björklund, G., Wallén Warner, H., Lättman, K. & Adell, E. (2023). The complexity of changes in modal choice: A quasi-experimental study. Transportation Research Part F : Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 96, 36-47. 10.1016/j.trf.2023.05.015 [More information]
Jamei, E., Chan, M., Chau, H., Gaisie, E. & Lättman, K. (2022). Perceived Accessibility and Key Influencing Factors in Transportation. Sustainability, 14 (17). 10.3390/su141710806 [More information]
Olsson, L., Friman, M. & Lättman, K. (2021). Accessibility barriers and perceived accessibility : Implications for public transport. Urban Science, 5 (3). 10.3390/urbansci5030063 [More information]
Sukhov, A., Lättman, K., Olsson, L., Friman, M. & Fujii, S. (2021). Assessing travel satisfaction in public transport: A configurational approach.. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment, 93. 10.1016/j.trd.2021.102732 [More information]
Friman, M., Lättman, K. & Olsson, L. (2020). Carpoolers' perceived accessibility of carpooling. Sustainability, 12 (21). 10.3390/su12218976 [More information]
Friman, M., Lättman, K. & Olsson, L. (2020). Public Transport Quality, Safety, and Perceived Accessibility. Sustainability, 12 (9). 10.3390/su12093563 [More information]
Lättman, K., Friman, M. & Olsson, L. (2020). Restricted car-use and perceived accessibility. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment, 78. 10.1016/j.trd.2019.102213 [More information]
Kawabata, Y., Ryo, T., Friman, M., Olsson, L., Lättman, K. & Fujii, S. (2020). Time Series Analysis of the Causal Effects among Perceived Quality, Satisfaction, Loyalty and Frequency of Public Transportation Use. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6. 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00137 [More information]
Olsson, L., Friman, M., Lättman, K. & Fujii, S. (2020). Travel and life satisfaction - From Gen Z to the silent generation. Journal of Transport and Health, 18. 10.1016/j.jth.2020.100894 [More information]
Lättman, K., Olsson, L., Friman, M. & Fujii, S. (2019). Perceived Accessibility, Satisfaction with Daily Travel, and Life Satisfaction among the Elderly. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (22), 1-15. 10.3390/ijerph16224498 [More information]
Lättman, K., Olsson, L. & Friman, M. (2018). A new approach to accessibility – Examining perceived accessibility in contrast to objectively measured accessibility in daily travel. Research in Transportation Economics, 69, 501-511. 10.1016/j.retrec.2018.06.002 [More information]
Rhodes, P., Mihalits, D., Lättman, K., Rodax, N., Hornung, S., Chistensen, A., Degen, J., Schüttengruber, V., Tchitchihé, M., Haq, S., Nebowsky, A., Pern, T., Schraube, E. & Botelho, V. (2018). Hidden Present, Visible Absent in the City of Dreams : Assembling the Collective Imagination. Human Arenas, 1 (2), 151-165. 10.1007/s42087-018-0020-z [More information]
Lättman, K., Olsson, L. & Friman, M. (2016). Development and test of the perceived accessibility scale (PAC) in public transport. Journal of Transport Geography, 54, 257-263. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.06.015 [More information]
Lättman, K., Friman, M. & Olsson, L. (2016). Perceived Accessibility of Public Transport as a Potential Indicator of Social Inclusion. Social Inclusion, 4 (3), 36-45. 10.17645/si.v4i3.481 [More information]

Doctoral thesis

Lättman, K. (2018). Perceived Accessibility : Living a satisfactory life with help of the transport system. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2018. Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. 77 p. External link [More information]

Book chapters

Olsson, L., Friman, M. & Lättman, K. (2023). Upplevd tillgänglighet som nytt analysverktyg. Rättvist resande? : Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen. Linnefors Förlag. P. 52-72. [More information]

Conference papers

De Vos, J., Lättman, K., Prichard, E., van der Vlugt, A., Welsch, J. & Otsuka, N. (2023). Analysing the determinants of perceived walkability and its effects on walking (satisfaction) : World conference on Transport Research, Montreal, 20 July 2023. . [More information]
Welsch, J., van der Vlugt, A., Prichard, E., Lättman, K., De Vos, J. & Otsuka, N. (2023). Neighbourhood walkability people´s perceptions and vulnerabilities in three European cities : Special Session 1199: Soft mobility planning to promote liveable and inclusive cities. . [More information]
van der Vlugt, A., Prichard, E., De Vos, J., Lättman, K., Otsuka, N. & Welsch, J. (2023). Walkability and Accessibility perceptions of vulnerable groups and their implication for local planning practice. : Special Session: What about the people? A holistic and multifaceted approach to active travel, AESOP annual Congress: Integrating planning in a world of turbulence, July 13, Lodz, Poland. . [More information]
Lättman, K., Welsch, J., van der Vlugt, A., De Vos, J., Prichard, E. & Otsuka, N. (2023). Walking Satisfaction in Dortmund, Genoa and Gothenburg : Special Session: Walking in the city: Walking experiences and walking behaviour in urban settings. . [More information]
Lättman, K. (2022). Quality, safety, and perceived accessibility in public transport. . [More information]
Prichard, E. & Lättman, K. (2022). Why do people walk? Investigating urban walkability in Europe. . [More information]
Lättman, K. (2021). Nowhere to go - How older people perceive their travel during Covid-19. . [More information]
Lättman, K., Olsson, E. & Friman, M. (2015). Development and test of the Perceived Accessibility Scale (PAC) in public transport. . [More information]

Licentiate thesis

Lättman, K. (2016). Perceived Accessibility : Capturing the Traveller Perspective. Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning), 2016. Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. 34 s. External link [More information]

Book reviews

Lättman, K. (2017). Book review: Planning for Public Transport Accessibility: an international sourcebook. By Curtis, C. and Scheurer, J. (2016). London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1472447241. Elsevier. Journal of Transport Geography. Elsevier. P. 263-264. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.06.007 [More information]
Published by: Elin Krans Page responsible: Magnus Isaksson Updated: 2023-04-03
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