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Internationellt webbinarium: Geospatial data – advanced education and competence needs

Webbinariet ingår som en del i KKS/Avans-projektet kopplat till Civilingenjörsprogrammet i lantmäteriteknik. Projektet syftar till att säkerställa att utbildningen motsvarar de avancerade kunskaper som efterfrågas av aktörer inom geodataområdet samt att öka rekryteringen av studenter till utbildningen. 

Registrering till evenemanget sker via länken som finns under programmet nedan.

Datum: 22 mars
Tid: 10.00-12.00
Plats: Digitalt

The UNECE Working Party on Land Administration, jointly with the University of Gävle and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is organizing this webinar on the alignment of advanced education and competence needs in geospatial information. This is critical in order to ensure sufficient and appropriate knowledge when capitalizing on digital transformation, emerging technologies, data revolution and the geospatial community’s great potential to contribute to meet many of the global and local challenges. In the first session, competence requirements for both the private sector and national geospatial information authorities are highlighted and discussed in two presentations and a panel. This is followed by presentations from academia and global actors on curricula and collaborations with external actors to secure education fit for the future. The webinar also includes interactive polls and Q&A sessions.



Welcome address and introduction
Moderator: Fredrik Zetterquist, Chair, UNECE WPLA

Session 1: Required advanced geospatial competence – voices from domain actors


Competence needs for GIS and geospatial system development
Göran Pettersson, Director Services, ESRI Sweden


Geospatial competence for infrastructure and land development projects.
Vadym Sokol, Business Development Manager, Sweco company


Panel discussion –Competence needed for mapping and geospatial information authorities
Martin Lidberg, Lantmäteriet, Sweden
Charlton Brand, Ordnance Survey, UK
Daniel Steudler, Swisstopo, Switzerland
Darko Vucetic, Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia


Interactive poll and Q&A



Session 2: Advanced educational programmes and alignment with competence needs


Global perspective on advanced educational programmes in geospatial information
David Mitchell, Chair FIG, Commission 2


Case 1: advanced educational programme in geospatial information
Jonas Ågren, University of Gävle, Sweden


Case 2: advanced educational programmes in geospatial information
Jeroen Verplanke, University of Twente and Martijn Meijers, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands


Interactive poll, Q&A and conclusions


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Eventet kommer genomföras i webex och deltagarna kommer få en länk via mail efter registreringen.

Logga Food and Agriculture Organizations within UN

Utbildningsledare för civilingenjörsprogrammet i lantmäteriteknik

Fredrik Zetterqvist
e-post: fredrik.zetterqvist@hig.se

Lägg till i din kalender
Publicerad av: Catarina Carlsson Sidansvarig: Veronica Liljeroth Sidan uppdaterades: 2022-03-04
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)