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Nikhilesh Dharmala

Forskarutbildningsämne: miljövetenskap

E-post: nikhilesh.dharmala@hig.se
Telefon: 026-64 85 47

Aktuell forskning

Nikhilesh Dharmala works in the environmental science group and focuses on sustainable energy transitions. His main interests lies in understanding the challenges and interdependencies in long term energy transitions and their associated uncertainties.

Currently, he is involved in a research project involving system integration of hydrogen solutions in the energy system to help contribute to a climate neutral society. His research deals with evaluating the several pathways for hydrogen in the energy system of Gävleborg.


Karl Hillman

Biträdande handledare
Shveta Soam
Ola Norrman Eriksson

Publicerad av: Catarina Carlsson Sidansvarig: Gunilla Mårtensson Sidan uppdaterades: 2023-01-09
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)