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Sandra A. I. Wright

Sandra A. I. Wright, docent i växtpatologi och universitetslektor i biologi.


Sandra A. I. Wright

Docent i växtpatologi, universitetslektor

Forskningsämne: Biologi

Dr. Sandra Wright har bedrivit forskning som inriktar sig mot att förstå hur växters sjukdomar kan förebyggas genom användning av en för växterna gynnsam mikroflora. Utgångspunkten är att utveckla en framtida, hållbar trädgårds- och jordbruksodling. Hennes forskningsintressen innefattar: att utröna interaktioner emellan växtassocierade mikroorganismer, och studier av växt-mikrobinteraktioner samt studier av växtsjukdomar i allmänhet. Sekundära metaboliter i mikroorganismer och växter har effekt mot konkurrerande mikroorganismer och är aktiva i växters fysiologi; bestämningen av deras biosyntes- och nedbrytningsvägar har genomsyrat Dr. Wrights forskning. Långa, internationella forsknings- och utbildningssamarbeten är en naturlig följd av hennes internationella karriär, som har lett till nya kontakter och nya, grundvetenskapliga forskningsresultat genom ett prestigefyllt gästlektorat (så kallad 'Rientro dei cervelli') som hon erhöll för att vistas vid Università degli Studi del Molise i Italien (2006-2010).

Se även Dr. Wrights sida i ResearchGate.


Biodegradering av fenoliska substanser, samt ligninmonomerer: Vi arbetar med att utröna nya biodegraderingprodukter och att utforska nya biodegraderingsvägar.



Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

Rönnander, J. & Wright, S. (2021). Growth of wood-inhabiting yeasts of the Faroe Islands in the presence of spent sulphite liquor. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 114, 649-666. 10.1007/s10482-021-01543-5 [Mer information]
Rambaree, K., Sundström, A., Wang, Z. & Wright, S. (2021). Qualitative stakeholder analysis for a Swedish regional biogas development : A thematic network approach. Sustainability, 13 (14). 10.3390/su13148003 [Mer information]
Bui, T., Wright, S., Falk, A., Vanwalleghem, T., Van Hemelrijck, W., Hertog, M., Keulemans, J. & Davey, M. (2019). Botrytis cinerea differentially induces postharvest antioxidant responses in 'Braeburn' and 'Golden Delicious' apple fruit. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99 (13), 5662-5670. 10.1002/jsfa.9827 [Mer information]
Rönnander, J., Ljunggren, J., Hedenström, E. & Wright, S. (2018). Biotransformation of vanillin into vanillyl alcohol by a novel strain of Cystobasidium laryngis isolated from decaying wood. AMB Express, 8 (1). 10.1186/s13568-018-0666-4 [Mer information]
Pinedo, C., Wright, S., Collado, I., Goss, R., Castoria, R., Hrelia, P., Maffei, F. & Durán-Patrón, R. (2018). Isotopic Labeling Studies Reveal the Patulin Detoxification Pathway by the Biocontrol Yeast Rhodotorula kratochvilovae LS11. Journal of Natural Products, 81 (12), 2692-2699. 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.8b00539 [Mer information]
Puglisi, I., De Patrizio, A., Schena, L., Jung, T., Evoli, M., Pane, A., Van Hoa, N., Van Tri, M., Wright, S., Ramstedt, M., Olsson, C., Faedda, R., Magnano di San Lio, G. & Cacciola, S. (2017). Two previously unknown <em>Phytophthora</em> species associated with brown rot of Pomelo (<em>Citrus grandis</em>) fruits in Vietnam. PLOS ONE, 12 (2). 10.1371/journal.pone.0172085 [Mer information]
Van Tri, M., Van Hoa, N., Minh Chau, N., Pane, A., Faedda, R., De Patrizio, A., Schena, L., Olsson, C., Wright, S., Ramstedt, M. & Cacciola, S. (2015). Decline of jackfruit (<em>Artocarpus heterophyllus</em>) incited by <em>Phytophthora palmivora</em> in Vietnam. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 54 (2), 275-280. 10.14601/Phytopathol_Mediterr-15008 [Mer information]
Wright, S. (2015). Patulin in food. Current Opinion in Food Science, 5, 105-109. 10.1016/j.cofs.2015.10.003 [Mer information]
Wright, S., de Felice, D., Ianiri, G., Pinedo-Rivilla, C., De Curtis, F. & Castoria, R. (2014). Two rapid assays for screening of patulin biodegradation. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11 (5), 1387-1398. 10.1007/s13762-013-0325-x [Mer information]
Wright, S., Azarang, M. & Falk, A. (2013). Barley lesion mimics, supersusceptible or highly resistant to leaf rust and net blotch. Plant Pathology, 62 (5), 982-992. 10.1111/ppa.12007 [Mer information]
Wright, S., Falk, A., Franckowiak, J. & Lundqvist, U. (2013). Descriptions of barley Bowman <em>Rph3.c </em>mutants: <em>nec8.3550, nec9.3091</em>, <em>mtt8.1661</em> and <em>mtt9.2721</em> : In: Full Description of barley genetic stocks (eds. Jerome D. Franckowiak and Udda Lundqvist).. Barley Genetics Newsletter, 43, 179-183. [Mer information]
Oksinska, M., Pietr, S. & Wright, S. (2013). Resistance to oxidation products of caffeic acid is important for efficient colonization of wheat seedlings by Pseudomonas proteolytica strain PSR114. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Applied Soil Ecology, 66, 71-80. 10.1016/j.apsoil.2013.02.002 [Mer information]
Ianiri, G., Idnurm, A., Wright, S., Durán-Patrón, R., Mannina, L., Ferracane, R., Ritieni, A. & Castoria, R. (2013). Searching for genes responsible for patulin degradation in a biocontrol yeast provides insight into the basis for resistance to this mycotoxin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79 (9), 3101-3115. 10.1128/aem.03851-12 [Mer information]
Ianiri, G., Idnurm, A., Wright, S., Durán-Patrón, R., Mannina, L., Ferracane, R., Ritieni, A. & Castoria, R. (2013). Searching for Genes Responsible for Patulin Degradation in a Biocontrol Yeast Provides Insights into the Basis for Resistance to This Mycotoxin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79 (9), 3101-3115. 10.1128/AEM.03851-12 [Mer information]
Oksinska, M., Wright, S. & Pietr, S. (2011). Colonization of wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.) by strains of Pseudomonas spp. with respect to their nutrient utilization profiles. European journal of soil biology, 47 (6), 364-373. 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2011.08.005 [Mer information]
Castoria, R., Mannina, L., Duran-Patron, R., Maffei, F., Sobolev, A., De Felice, D., Pinedo-Rivilla, C., Ritieni, A., Ferracane, R. & Wright, S. (2011). Conversion of the Mycotoxin Patulin to the Less Toxic Desoxypatulinic Acid by the Biocontrol Yeast Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae Strain LS11. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59 (21), 11571-11578. 10.1021/jf203098v [Mer information]
Ianiri, G., Wright, S., Castoria, R. & Idnurm, A. (2011). Development of resources for the analysis of gene function in Pucciniomycotina red yeasts. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 48 (7), 685-695. 10.1016/j.fgb.2011.03.003 [Mer information]
Amein, T., Wright, S., Wikström, M., Koch, E., Schmitt, A., Stephan, D., Jahn, M., Tinivella, F., Gullino, M., Forsberg, G., Werner, S., van der Wolf, J. & Groot, S. (2011). Evaluation of non-chemical seed treatment methods for control of Alternaria brassicicola on cabbage seeds. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 118 (6), 214-221. [Mer information]
Koch, E., Schmitt, A., Stephan, D., Kromphardt, C., Jahn, M., Krauthausen, H., Forsberg, G., Werner, S., Amein, T., Wright, S., Tinivella, F., Gullino, M., Roberts, S., van der Wolf, J. & Groot, S. (2010). Evaluation of non-chemical seed treatment methods for the control of Alternaria dauci and A. radicina on carrot seeds. European journal of plant pathology, 127 (1), 99-112. 10.1007/s10658-009-9575-3 [Mer information]
Tinivella, F., Hirata, L., Celan, M., Wright, S., Amein, T., Schmitt, A., Koch, E., Wolf, J., Groot, S., Stephan, D., Garibaldi, A. & Gullino, M. (2009). Control of seed-borne pathogens on legumes by microbial and other alternative seed treatments. European journal of plant pathology, 123 (2), 139-151. 10.1007/s10658-008-9349-3 [Mer information]
Schmitt, A., Koch, E., Stephan, D., Kromphardt, C., Jahn, M., Krauthausen, H., Forsberg, G., Werner, S., Amein, T., Wright, S., Tinivella, F., van der Wolf, J. & Groot, S. (2009). Evaluation of non-chemical seed treatment methods for the control of Phoma valerianellae on lamb’s lettuce seeds. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 116 (5), 200-207. [Mer information]
Wright, S. (2007). Four new barley mutants. Barley Genetics Newsletter, 37, 34-36. [Mer information]
Amein, T., Olsson, C., Wikstrom, M. & Wright, S. (2006). First report in Sweden of downy mildew on parsley caused by Plasmopara petroselini. Plant Disease, 90 (1), 111-111. 10.1094/PD-90-0111A [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Beer, S. (2005). <em>Pantoea agglomerans</em> as a biocontrol agent of fire blight. Revisão Anual de Patologia de Plantas, 13, 247-276. [Mer information]
Tinivella, F., Gullino, M., Amein, T., Wright, S., van der Wolf, J., Schmitt, A. & Koch, E. (2004). Evaluation of microorganisms, plant extracts and other agents of natural origin as seed treatments for vegetables in organic farming. Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 396, 486-487. [Mer information]
Johansson, P. & Wright, S. (2003). Low-temperature isolation of disease-suppressive bacteria and characterization of a distinctive group of pseudomonads. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69 (11), 6464-6474. 10.1128/AEM.69.11.6464-6474.2003 [Mer information]
Jin, M., Liu, L., Wright, S., Beer, S. & Clardy, J. (2003). Structural and functional analysis of pantocin A : An antibiotic from Pantoea agglomerans discovered by heterologous expression of cloned genes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 42 (25), 2898-2901. 10.1002/anie.200351053 [Mer information]
Jin, M., Wright, S., Beer, S. & Clardy, J. (2003). The biosynthetic gene cluster of pantocin A provides insights into biosynthesis and a tool for screening. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 42 (25), 2902-2905. 10.1002/anie.200351054 [Mer information]
Vinnere, O., Fatehi, J., Wright, S. & Gerhardson, B. (2002). The causal agent of anthracnose of Rhododendron in Sweden and Latvia. Mycological Research, 106 (1), 60-69. 10.1017/S0953756201005366 [Mer information]
Wright, S., Zumoff, C., Schneider, L. & Beer, S. (2001). <em>Pantoea agglomerans s</em>train EH318 produces two antibiotics that inhibit<em> Erwinia amylovora</em> in vitro. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67 (1), 284-292. 10.1128/aem.67.1.284-292.2001 [Mer information]
Wright, S., Zumoff, C., Schneider, L. & Beer, S. (2001). Pantoea agglomerans strain EH318 produces two antibiotics that inhibit Erwinia amylovora in vitro. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67 (1), 284-292. 10.1128/AEM.67.1.284-292.2001 [Mer information]
Brady, S., Wright, S., Lee, J., Sutton, A., Zumoff, C., Wodzinski, R., Beer, S. & Clardy, J. (1999). Pantocin B, an antibiotic from <em>Erwinia herbicola</em> discovered by heterologous expression of cloned genes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121 (50), 11912-11913. 10.1021/ja992790m [Mer information]
Wright, S. (1997). Bacterial phytotoxins as antimicrobial agents. Revisão Anual de Patologia de Plantas, 5, 157-197. [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Beer, S. (1996). The role of antibiotics in biological control of fire blight by <em>Erwinia herbicola</em> strain Eh318. Acta Horticulturae (411), 309-312. 10.17660/actahortic.1996.411.62 [Mer information]

Vetenskapliga artiklar, ej refereegranskade

De Curtis, F., Castoria, R., Palmgren, L., Ianiri, G. & Wright, S. (2009). Origin of plant-associated pink yeasts influences their biodiversity, biocontrol efficacy and ability to degrade patulin. Journal of plant pathology, 91 (S4), 58-. [Mer information]
Aloisio, I., Wright, S., De Felice, D., Tremonte, P. & Castoria, R. (2008). A biochemical approach to elucidate the pathway of patulin degradation by a biocontrol yeast. Journal of plant pathology, 90 (S2), 317-. [Mer information]
Castoria, R., De Felice, D., D'Alonges, S., Ianiri, G., Heitman, J., Idnurm, A. & Wright, S. (2008). A genetic approach to elucidate the pathway of patulin degradation by a biocontrol yeast. Journal of plant pathology, 90 (S2), 319-. [Mer information]
Tinivella, F., Hirata, L., Celan, M., Wright, S., Amein, T., Schmitt, A., Koch, E., van der Wolf, J., Groot, S., Garibaldi, A. & Guillino, M. (2008). Alternative seed treatments for organic legume production. Journal of plant pathology, 90 (S2), 208-. [Mer information]
Wright, S., De Felice, D., Idnurm, A., Heitman, J. & Castoria, R. (2007). Patulin degradation by the biocontrol yeast<em> Rhodotorula glutinis</em> strain LS11. Journal of plant pathology, 89 (S3), 24-. [Mer information]
Wright, S., De Felice, D., Idnurm, A., Heitman, J. & Castoria, R. (2007). Patulin degradation by the biocontrol yeast <em>Rhodotorula glutinis </em>strain LS11. Journal of plant pathology, 89 (S3), 24-. [Mer information]
Wright, S. (2004). Molecular analysis of genes involved in biocontrol. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 29 (supp.), 7-8. [Mer information]
Wright, S., Johansson, M. & Gerhardson, B. (2001). Biocontrol of fungal pathogens in wheat and barley with bacterial seed dressings – possible mechanisms. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 24 (3), 97-. [Mer information]
Beers, S., Wright, S., Ophir, Y. & Zumoff, C. (1994). Towards biological control of plant disease with antibiotic-producing strains of bacteria isolated from symptom-less plants. Molecular Ecology, 3 (6), 616-. [Mer information]
Beer, S., Wright, S., Wodzinski, R. & Zumoff, C. (1993). Antibiotic production by <em>Erwinia herbicola</em> strain Eh318 and biological control of fire blight. Phytopathology, 83, 1342-. [Mer information]

Övriga artiklar (populärvetenskap, debatt etc.)

Olsson, C., Bui, T., Falk, A. & Wright, S. (2008). Bladmögel hotar persiljeodlingen. Viola, Potatis och Grönsaker, 11, 18-20. [Mer information]
Wright, S., Amein, T., Forsberg, G. & Wikström, M. (2007). Behandling av köksväxtfrö. Viola, Potatis och Grönsaker, 20, 32-33. [Mer information]


Wright, S. (1997). The genetics of antibiotic production and the role of antibiotics in biological control of Erwinia amylovora by Erwinia herbicola. Diss. , 1997. Ann Arbor: Cornell University. xiii, 294 s. Länk [Mer information]

Kapitel i böcker

Aboul-Ata, A., Vitti, A., Nuzzaci, M., El-Attar, A., Piazzolla, G., Tortorella, C., Harandi, A., Olson, O., Wright, S. & Piazzolla, P. (2014). Plant-Based Vaccines : Novel and Low-Cost Possible Route for Mediterranean Innovative Vaccination Strategies. Advances in Virus Research. Elsevier. S. 1-37. 10.1016/B978-0-12-800172-1.00001-X [Mer information]
Castoria, R. & Wright, S. (2010). Host responses to biological control agents. Post-harvest pathology. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. S. 171-181. 10.1007/978-1-4020-8930-5_12 [Mer information]
Castoria, R., Wright, S. & Droby, S. (2008). Biological Control of Mycotoxigenic Fungi in Fruits. Mycotoxins in Fruits and Vegetables. Elsevier. S. 311-333. 10.1016/b978-0-12-374126-4.00016-4 [Mer information]
Gerhardson, B. & Wright, S. (2002). Bacterial associations with plants: Beneficial, non N-fixing interactions. Microorganisms in Plant Conservation and Biodiversity. Springer. S. 79-103. 10.1007/0-306-48099-9_4 [Mer information]


Rönnander, J., Ljunggren, J. & Wright, S. (2019). Growth in Spent Sulphite Liquor and Biotransformation of Vanillin by Yeasts from Decaying Wood. The 35th International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts, 21-25 October 2019, Antalya, Turkey : Proceedings book. S. 124-124. [Mer information]
Falk, A., Lindström, S., Mattsson, M. & Wright, S. (2018). Influence of some weather parameters on the susceptibility of apple fruit to postharvest grey mould attack. Proceedings 2018. S. 124-127. [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Rönnander, J. (2018). Novel biodegradation of vanillin by a wood-inhabiting isolate of <em>Cystobasidium sp.</em>. Book of abstracts : International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts ISSY 34. S. 114-114. [Mer information]
Ramstedt, M., Wright, S. & Olsson, C. (2011). <em>Phytophthora</em> sp. from coffee plantations in Vietnam - potential for host shifts and spread to forest plants. . [Mer information]
Olsson, C., Wright, S., Nguyen, T., Dang, V. & Ramstedt, M. (2011). <em>Phytophthora</em> species on citrus in Vietnam – potential for spread to forest plants. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Ianiri, G., De Felice, D., Pinedo-Rivella, C., Idnurm, A., De Curtis, F., Lima, G., De Cicco, V., Durán-Patrón,, R. & Castoria, R. (2010). Detoxification of mycotoxins by yeast biocontrol agents – biochemical and molecular mechanisms. . [Mer information]
Castoria, R., Ianiri, C., Pinedo-Rivilla, D., de Felice, R., Durán Patrón, F., Maffrei, A., Idnurm, S. & Wright, S. (2010). Different aspects of the prevention of patulin accumulation by a biocontrol yeast. . [Mer information]
De Curtis, F., Quici, R., Ianiri, G., Palmgren, L., De Cicco, V., Castoria, R. & Wright, S. (2010). The influence of yeast origin and identity on modes of biodegradation of patulin by basidiomycetous pink yeasts. . [Mer information]
Pinedo-Rivilla, C., D´Apruzzo, P., Wright, S., Collado, I., Castoria, R. & Durán-Patrón, R. (2009). Biodegradation pathway of the mycotoxin patulin by <em>Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae</em>. . [Mer information]
Pinedo-Rivilla, C., D´Apruzzo, P., Wright, S., Collado, R., Castoria, R. & Durán-Patrón, R. (2009). Detoxification pathway of the mycotoxin patulin to the less toxic desoxypatulinic acid by <em>Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae</em>. . [Mer information]
Aboul-Ata, E., Aboul-Ata, A., El Attar, K., Soliman, A., Rezk, A., Wright, S., Mazyad, H., Harandi, A. & Olsson, O. (2009). Gene expression and gene suppression mechanisms for human and plant virus-infection control in Egypt: HCV, HSV-2, PVX-Eg2 and TYLCV. BIOSPECTRUM 2009, International symposium on, Second Green Revolution: Priorities, Programs, Social and Ethical Issues. S. 12-13. [Mer information]
De Curtis, F., Castoria, R., Palmgren, L., Ianiri, G. & Wright, S. (2009). Origin of plant-associated pink yeasts influences their biodiversity, biocontrol efficacy and ability to degrade patulin. . [Mer information]
De Curtis, F., Palmgren, L., Castoria, R., De Cicco, V. & Wright, S. (2009). Plant-Associated Pink Yeasts: Isolation, characterization and screening for biocontrol ability. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Ianiri, G., de Felice, D. & Castoria, R. (2008). A rapid assay for patulin degradation by the basidiomycetous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis strain LS11. COST Action 924. Novel approaches for the control of postharvest diseases and disorders. S. 19-29. [Mer information]
Wright, S., Idnurm, A., Heitman, J., De Felice, D. & Castoria, R. (2007). Multiple modes of action of the yeast <em>Rhodotorula glutinis</em> LS11 in the biocontrol of <em>Penicillium expansum </em>on apple fruits. PS 16-867. XIII International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. S. 382-. [Mer information]
Falk, A., Gerhardson, B. & Wright, S. (2007). The role of an antifungal polyketide of a fluorescent pseudomonad in biological control. 7<sup>th</sup> International Conference on <em>Pseudomonas syringae</em> pathovars and related pathogens. S. 17-. [Mer information]
Celan, M., Azarang, M., Lyngs Jørgensen, H., Collinge, D. & Wright, S. (2006). Characterization of bacterial strains as biological control agents of powdery mildew of barley. . [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Beer, S. (2006). <em>Pantoea agglomerans</em>, a biocontrol agent and ubiquitous microorganism – friend or foe?. Biocontrol of Bacterial Plant Diseases 1<sup>st</sup> Symposium, Seeheim/Darmstadt, Germany, Oct 23-26, 2005. S. 334-338. [Mer information]
Wright, S., Jin, M., Clardy, J. & Beer, S. (2006). The Biosynthetic genes of pantocin A and pantocin B of Pantoea agglomerans Eh318. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Fire Blight. S. 313-319. [Mer information]
Azarang, M., Collinge, D., Gerhardson, B., Johnsson, L. & Wright, S. (2004). An integrated approach to simultaneously control insect pests, powdery mildew and seed borne fungal diseases in barley by bacterial seed treatment. . S. 57-62. [Mer information]
Schmitt, A., Amein, T., Tinivella, F., van der Wolf, J., Roberts, S., Groot, S., Gullino, M., Wright, S. & Koch, E. (2004). Control of seed-borne pathogens on vegetables by microbial and other alternative seed treatments. Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seeds, Rome, Italy, July 5-7, 2004. S. 120-123. [Mer information]
Wright, S., Schmitt, A. & Koch, E. (2004). Seed treatments for organic vegetable production. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Bondesson, P., Thorsson, L., Azarang, M. & Gerhardson, B. (2003). Analysis of biocontrol deficient mutants in <em>Pseudomonas chlororaphis </em>reveals genes involved in regulation of biocontrol. Influence of A-Biotic and Biotic Factors on Biocontrol Agents, IOBC/wprs Bulletin Vol. 22(10). [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Gerhardson, B. (2003). Biocontrol mechansims of <em>Pseudomonas chlororaphis</em> in the spermosphere of barley. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Bondesson, P., Thorsson, L., Azarang, M. & Gerhardson, B. (2002). Analysis of biocontrol mutants in <em>Pseudomonas chlororaphis </em>reveals genes involved in regulation of biocontrol. . [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Beer, S. (2002). Genes for biosynthesis of pantocin A and B by Pantoea agglomerans Eh318. Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on fire blight. S. 237-241. [Mer information]
Wright, S., Azarang, J., Borowicz, J. & Gerhardson, B. (2001). Biocontrol mechanisms of <em>Pseudomonas chlororaphis</em> strain MA 342. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Somberg, A., Lindberg, A. & Gerhardson, B. (2001). Partial characterization of a genetic region for biosynthesis of a macrocyclic lactone. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Azarang, M., Johnsson, L. & Gerhardson, B. (2001). <em>Pseudomonas chlororaphis</em> MA 342 - a multifaceted biocontrol agent. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Borowicz, J., Svensson, M., Hökeberg, M. & Lindberg, A. (2000). Strains of a taxonomically distinct subgroup of <em>Pseudomonas</em> produce a for bacteria novel antifungal metabolite. . [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Gerhardson, B. (1999). Investigation of biocontrol factors of <em>Pseudomonas</em> <em>chlororaphis </em>MA 342 involved in the suppression of <em>Drechslera teres</em> in barley. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Lindberg, A. & Gerhardson, B. (1999). The Genetic Basis for the Production of a Fungitoxic Compound by the Biocontrol Agent <em>Pseudomonas chlororaphis</em> MA 342. . [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Beers, S. (1998). Genetics of pantocin A and pantocin B production and their role in biocontrol of the fire blight pathogen, <em>Erwinia amylovora</em>. Molecular Approaches in Biological Control, IOBC/wprs Bulletin no. 21(9).. S. 13-17. [Mer information]
Hökeberg, M., Wright, S., Svensson, L., Lundgren, L. & Gerhardsson, B. (1998). Mutants of <em>Pseudomonas chlororaphis</em> Defective in the Production of an Antifungal Metabolite Express Reduced Biocontrol Activity. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Schneider, L., Sanchez de Viala, S., Zumoff, C., Yun, S. & Beer, S. (1994). Toward Assessing the Importance to Biocontrol Ability of Antibiotics from <em>Erwinia herbicola</em>. . [Mer information]
Wright, S., Ophir, Y. & Zumoff, C. (1994). Towards Biological Control of Plant Disease with Antibiotic-Producing Strains of Bacteria Isolated from Symptomless Plants. . [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Beer, S. (1993). <em>Erwinia herbicola </em>Produces More than one Antibiotic that Inhibits <em>Erwinia amylovora</em>. . [Mer information]
Wright, S. & Beer, S. (1992). Identification of DNA from <em>Erwinia herbicola </em>Involved in the Production of an Antibiotic Inhibitory to <em>Erwinia amylovora</em>. . [Mer information]


Thomsen, I., Alsanius, B., Flø, D., Krokene, P., Wright, S. & Wendell, P. (2023). Updated pest risk assessment of <em>Phytophthora ramorum</em> in Norway : Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 88 s. (VKM Rerport 2023:19) Länk [Mer information]
Alsanius, B., Magnusson, C., Nicolaisen, M., Wright, S., Wendell, M., Krokene, P., Stenberg, J., Thomsen, I. & Rafoss, T. (2021). Assessment of treatment methods and validation criteria for composting and biogas facilities in relation to plant health risks and the risk of spreading alien organisms : Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Oslo: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 152 s. (VKM Report 2021:19) Länk [Mer information]
Krokene, P., Hatteland, B., Magnusson, C., Flø, D., Thomsen, I., Stenberg, J., Brurberg, M., Wendell, M., Nicolaisen, M., Rossmann, S., Talgø, V., Alsanius, B., Wright, S. & Rafoss, T. (2021). Pest risk categorization – New plant health regulations for Norway : Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Oslo: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 688 s. (VKM report 2021:09) [Mer information]
Thomsen, I., Kauserud, H., Krokene, P., Nicolaisen, M., Wendell, M., Alsanius, B., Stenberg, J., Wright, S. & Rafoss, T. (2020). Risk assessment of six commercial mycorrhizal products : Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Oslo: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 55 s. (VKM Report 2020:09) [Mer information]
Stenberg, J., Nielsen, A., Wendell, M., Alsanius, B., Krokene, P., Magnusson, C., Nicolaisen, M., Thomsen, I., Wright, S. & Rafoss, T. (2020). Risk assessment of the biological control product ANDERcontrol with the organism <em>Amblyseius andersoni</em> : Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Oslo: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 27 s. (VKM Report 2020:04) [Mer information]
Stenberg, J., Nielsen, A., Alsanius, B., Krokene, P., Magnusson, C., Nicolaisen, M., Thomsen, I., Wright, S. & Rafoss, T. (2020). Risk assessment of the biological control product Atheta-System with the organism <em>Atheta coriaria</em> Kraatz : Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Oslo: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 28 s. (VKM Report 2020: 12) [Mer information]
Nielsen, A., Stenberg, J., Wendell, M., Alsanius, B., Krokene, P., Magnusson, C., Nicolaisen, M., Thomsen, I., Wright, S. & Rafoss, T. (2020). Risk assessment of the biological control product Limonica with the organism <em>Amblydromalus limonicus</em> : Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Oslo: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 25 s. (VKM Report 2020:13) [Mer information]
Stenberg, J., Flø, D., Kirkendall, L., Krokene, P., Alsanius, B., Magnusson, C., Nicolaisen, M., Thomsen, I., Wright, S. & Rafoss, T. (2019). Pest risk assessment of selected <em>Epitrix </em>species : Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Oslo: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). 107 s. (VKM Report 2019:17) [Mer information]
Publicerad av: Camilla Haglund Sidansvarig: Gunilla Mårtensson Sidan uppdaterades: 2022-06-22
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