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Magnus Mattsson


Magnus Mattsson

Universitetslektor, teknologie doktor

Forskningsämne: Energisystem
Forskningsområde: Inomhusmiljö och energi i byggnader

Min forskning rör främst luftkvalitet, ventilation, inomhusklimat och byggnadsenergi. Studierna involverar vanligtvis processerna för spridning av gasformiga och partikelformiga föroreningar och att hitta effektiva metoder för att förbättra luftens inomhusluft. Fokus ligger ofta på människors hälsa, komfort och prestanda, men ett stort intresse ligger också inom byggnadsenergi och dess koppling till termisk komfort och byggnadsbevarande. Forskningen utförs både på laboratorium och i fältet och involverar, när det är tillämpligt, mänskliga personer.


  • Energibesparing och estetiska aspekter kring lågemissivitetsfilmer på fönster i kulturhistoriska byggnader.
  • Lokal avgasventilation. Lokalt extrakt av föroreningar och effekter av luftturbulens.
  • Luftburna pollenallergener - deras storlek, distribution och transport till inomhusluften.
  • Varsam energihushållning i kyrkor: ventilation, klimatkontroll och ytbeläggning. Läs mer om forskningsprojektet
  • Ventilation för minskad exponering av partiklar och allergener i klassrummen.



Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

Garman, I., Mattsson, M., Myhren, J. & Persson, T. (2024). Demand control and constant flow ventilation compared in an exhaust ventilated bedroom in a cold-climate single-family house. Intelligent Buildings International, 15 (4), 175-188. 10.1080/17508975.2023.2236993 [Mer information]
Ameen, A., Mattsson, M., Boström, H. & Lindelöw, H. (2023). Assessment of Thermal Comfort and Air Quality in Office Rooms of a Historic Building: A Case Study in Springtime in Continental Climate. Buildings, 13 (1). 10.3390/buildings13010156 [Mer information]
Mahaki, M., Mattsson, M., Salmanzadeh, M. & Hayati, A. (2022). Experimental and numerical simulations of human movement effect on the capture efficiency of a local exhaust ventilation system. Journal of Building Engineering, 52. 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104444 [Mer information]
Mahaki, M., Mattsson, M., Salmanzadeh, M. & Hayati, A. (2021). Comparing objects for human movement simulation regarding its air flow disturbance at local exhaust ventilation. Energy and Buildings, 247. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111117 [Mer information]
Wahlborg, D., Björling, M. & Mattsson, M. (2021). Evaluation of field calibration methods and performance of AQMesh, a low-cost air quality monitor.. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 193 (5). 10.1007/s10661-021-09033-x [Mer information]
Moghaddam, S., Mattsson, M., Ameen, A., Akander, J., Gameiro Da Silva, M. & Simoes, N. (2021). Low‐Emissivity Window Films as an Energy Retrofit Option for a Historical Stone Building in Cold Climate. Energies, 14 (22). 10.3390/en14227584 [Mer information]
Lundström, H. & Mattsson, M. (2021). Modified thermocouple sensor and external reference junction enhance accuracy in indoor air temperature measurements. Sensors, 21 (19). 10.3390/s21196577 [Mer information]
Yang, H., Lam, C., Lin, Y., Chen, L., Mattsson, M., Sandberg, M., Hayati, A., Claesson, L. & Hang, J. (2021). Numerical investigations of Re-independence and influence of wall heating on flow characteristics and ventilation in full-scale 2D street canyons. Building and Environment, 189. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107510 [Mer information]
Chen, L., Hang, J., Chen, G., Liu, S., Lin, Y., Mattsson, M., Sandberg, M. & Ling, H. (2021). Numerical investigations of wind and thermal environment in 2D scaled street canyons with various aspect ratios and solar wall heating. Building and Environment, 190. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107525 [Mer information]
Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Hang, J., Lin, Y., Mattsson, M., Sandberg, M., Zhang, M. & Wang, K. (2020). Integrated assessment of indoor and outdoor ventilation in street canyons with naturally-ventilated buildings by various ventilation indexes. Building and Environment, 169. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106528 [Mer information]
Yang, H., Chen, T., Lin, Y., Buccolieri, R., Mattsson, M., Zhang, M., Hang, J. & Wang, Q. (2020). Integrated impacts of tree planting and street aspect ratios on CO dispersion and personal exposure in full-scale street canyons. Building and Environment, 169. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106529 [Mer information]
Lundström, H. & Mattsson, M. (2020). Radiation influence on indoor air temperature sensors : Experimental evaluation of measurement errors and improvement methods. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 115. 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2020.110082 [Mer information]
Hayati, A., Mattsson, M. & Sandberg, M. (2019). A wind tunnel study of wind-driven airing through open doors. The International Journal of Ventilation, 18 (2), 113-135. 10.1080/14733315.2018.1435027 [Mer information]
Hayati, A., Mattsson, M. & Sandberg, M. (2017). Single-sided ventilation through external doors : measurements and model evaluation in five historical churches. Energy and Buildings, 141, 114-124. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.02.034 [Mer information]
Sandberg, M., Mattsson, M., Wigö, H., Hayati, A., Claesson, L., Linden, E. & Khan, M. (2015). Viewpoints on wind and air infiltration phenomena at buildings illustrated by field and model studies. Building and Environment, 92, 504-517. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.05.001 [Mer information]
Hayati, A., Mattsson, M. & Sandberg, M. (2014). Evaluation of the LBL and AIM-2 air infiltration models on large single zones : three historical churches. Building and Environment, 81, 365-379. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.07.013 [Mer information]
Smedje, G., Mattsson, M. & Wålinder, R. (2011). Comparing mixing and displacement ventilation in classrooms : pupils' perception and health. Indoor Air, 21 (6), 454-461. 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2011.00725.x [Mer information]


Sandberg, M., Stymne, H., Blomqvist, C. & Mattsson, M. (1995). Ventilation i funktion : En handledning för konsulter och kontrollanter. Gävle: Meyers. 74 s. Länk [Mer information]


Garman, I., Mattsson, M. & Persson, T. (2022). Ventilation alone fails to prevent overheating in a Nordic home field study. 17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. [Mer information]
Hayati, A., Akander, J. & Mattsson, M. (2019). Simulation of Ventilation Rates and Heat Losses during Airing in Large Single Zone Buildings in Cold Climates. Cold Climate HVAC 2018 : Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates: Springer. Länk [Mer information]
Björling, M., Mattsson, M. & Akander, J. (2018). Infiltration of Air into two World Heritage Farmhouses in Sweden during Winter Conditions. Roomvent & Ventilation 2018 : Excellent Indoor Climate and High Performing Ventilation. Helsinki, Finland. S. 1079-1084. [Mer information]
Falk, A., Lindström, S., Mattsson, M. & Wright, S. (2018). Influence of some weather parameters on the susceptibility of apple fruit to postharvest grey mould attack. Proceedings 2018. S. 124-127. [Mer information]
Hayati, A., Mattsson, M. & Sandberg, M. (2016). A Study on Airing Through the Porches of a Historical Church – Measurements and IDA-ICE Modelling. ASHRAE and AIVC IAQ 2016 - Defining Indoor Air Quality : Policy, Standards and Best Practices, 2016: ASHRAE. S. 216-223. Länk [Mer information]
Hayati, A., Akander, J. & Mattsson, M. (2016). Development of a Numerical Air Infiltration Model Based On Pressurization Test Applied On a Church. ASHRAE and AIVC IAQ 2016 — Defining Indoor Air Quality : Policy, Standards and Best Practices, 2016: ASHRAE. S. 224-231. Länk [Mer information]
Hayati, A., Mattsson, M., Sandberg, M. & Linden, E. (2013). Evaluation of two air infiltration models on a church. Conference proceedings: Cultural heritage preservation – 3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation. S. 47-53. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Sandberg, M., Claesson, L., Lindström, S. & Hayati, A. (2013). Fan pressurization method for measuring air leakage in churches – wind and stack induced uncertainties. Conference proceedings: Cultural heritage preservation – 3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation. S. 63-68. [Mer information]
Sandberg, M., Sattari, A. & Mattsson, M. (2013). Plaster finishes in historical buildings : Measurements of surface structure, roughness parameters and air flow characteristics. Conference proceedings: Cultural heritage preservation – 3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation. S. 69-75. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Broström, T., Linden, E., Lindström, S. & Sandberg, M. (2011). Fan Convectors vs. Bench heaters in Churches – impact on air velocities. EEHB 2011 : Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings. Visby: Gotland University Press. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Broström, T., Linden, E., Lindström, S. & Sandberg, M. (2011). Impact of heating system on air velocities in a medieval stone church. Roomvent 2011 : 12th International conference on air distribution in rooms. Trondheim, Norge: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. [Mer information]
Cooper, E., Etheridge, D., Mattsson, M. & Wigö, H. (2011). Measurement of the adventitious leakage of churches with a novel pulse technique. Proc. Roomvent 2011 : 12<sup>th</sup> International conference on air distribution in rooms. Trondheim, Norge: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Lindström, S., Linden, E. & Sandberg, M. (2011). Methods to Identify Air Leakages in the Building Envelope of Churches. EEHB 2011 : Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings. Visby, Sweden. [Mer information]
Widström, T. & Mattsson, M. (2011). Multifunctional whole building simulation as a method in assessing retrofitting strategies in historical buildings. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011 : 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November. S. 2943-2949. [Mer information]
Cooper, E., Etheridge, D., Mattsson, M. & Wigö, H. (2011). Pressure Pulse Technique – A New Method for Measuring the Leakage of the Building Envelope of Churches. . [Mer information]
Widström, T. & Mattsson, M. (2011). Simulation of the energy performance of historic buildings.. EEHB 2011: Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings.. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Lindström, S., Linden, E. & Sandberg, M. (2011). Tracer gas techniques for quantifying the air change rate in churches – field investigation experiences. Proc. Roomvent 2011 : 12<sup>th</sup> International conference on air distribution in rooms. Trondheim, Norge: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Andersson, L., Alm Kübler, K., Ekebom, A., Jansson, A., Holmquist, L. & Vesterberg, O. (2011). Ventilation filter efficiency for birch pollen allergens : experimental data from one pollen season. Proceedings from Roomvent 2011. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. [Mer information]
Widström, T. & Mattsson, M. (2011). Whole building simulation and damage risk assessment in historical buildings. Energy Management in Cultural Heritage: UNDP Croatia. [Mer information]
Sandberg, M., Mattsson, M., Etheridge, D. & Claesson, L. (2011). Wind tunnel measurements of pressure distribution on  the facade of a church. Proc. EEHB 2011 : Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings. Visby: Gotland University Press. [Mer information]
Sandberg, M., Mattsson, M., Etheridge, D. & Claesson, L. (2011). Wind tunnel measurements of pressure distribution on the façade and surrounding ground of a church. Roomvent 2011 : 12<sup>th</sup> International conference on air distribution in rooms. Trondheim, Norge: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Länk [Mer information]
Broström, T., Linden, E., Lindström, S., Mattsson, M. & Sandberg, M. (2009). Convective heating in a medieval church : Effects of air-to-air heat pumps on air movements, particle deposition and temperature distribution. . [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Andersson, L., Jansson, A., Holmquist, L., Vesterberg, O., Alm Kübler, K. & Ekebom, A. (2009). Ventilation filter efficiency for particles and grass pollen allergens. Proceedings of the 9th International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition : HEALTHY BUILDINGS 2009, Paper No: 460.. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. & Andersson, L. (2008). Birch and grass pollen allergens in filtered office indoor air. Indoor air 2008 : proceedings of the 11. International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby 2008. Kgs Lyngby: Technical university of Denmark. [Mer information]
Sandberg, M., Wigö, H. & Mattsson, M. (2008). Generation of dust balls and their aerodynamic properties. Indoor air 2008 : Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 17-22 August, Copenhagen, Denmark. Kgs Lyngby: Technical university of Denmark. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. (2007). Removal of airborne particles of different sizes in classrooms using portable air cleaners. Roomvent 2007, 13-15 June 2007 Helsinki, Finland : Scanvac Conference : proceedings, abstract book. [Mer information]
Björling, M., Stymne, H., Mattsson, M. & Blomqvist, C. (2007). Ventilation measurements combined with pollutant concentration measurements discriminates between high emission rates and insufficient ventilation. IAQVEC 2007 Indoor Air Quality Ventilation and Energy Conservation : sustainable Buildings. P. 2. S. 393-400. Länk [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. & Hygge, S. (2005). Effect of Particulate Air Cleaning on Perceived Health and Cognitive Performance in School Children During Pollen Season. Indoor Air 2005 : Proceedings of the 10th international conference on indoor air quality and climate. S. 1111-1115. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Stojanovic, B. & Elfman, L. (2004). Effect of Particulate Air Cleaners on the Content of airborne Dust and Cat Allergen in Classrooms. Roomvent 2004 : 9th international conference on air distribution in rooms. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Smedje, G., Holmquist, L., Vesterberg, O. & Wålinder, R. (2003). Mixing and displacement ventilation compared in classrooms; distribution of particles, cat allergen and CO2. Proceedings from Healthy Buildings 2003 : 7th International conference. S. 458-464. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. (2002). Vertical distribution of occupant-generated particles in a room with displacement ventilation. Indoor Air 2002 : 9th international conference on indoor air quality and climate. S. 509-514. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. (2000). A Note on the Thermal Comfort in Displacement Ventilated Classrooms. Air distribution in rooms (Roomvent 2000) : Proceedings of the 7th international conference on air distribution in rooms. S. 1129-1134. [Mer information]
Holmberg, S., Sandberg, M., Mattsson, M., Nilsson, H. & Holmér, I. (2000). Indoor Air Quality and climate control parameters in office environment – CFD calculations and measurements. Roomvent 2000 Conference. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. (1998). Displacement Ventilation in a Classroom : Influence of Contaminant Position and Physical Activity. Proc. 19th AIVC Conference, Oslo, Norway.. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M., Bjørn, E., Sandberg, M. & Nielsen, P. (1997). Simulating People Moving in Displacement Ventilated Rooms. Proc. Healthy Buildings/AIQ ‘97, Washington DC, USA.. [Mer information]


Mattsson, M., Akander, J., Ameen, A. & Karlsson, B. (2020). Fältstudie av två metoder för energieffektivisering av äldre fönster – fönsterfilmer testade med hotbox-teknik. Högskolan i Gävle. 92 s. Länk [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. & Linden, E. (2016). Test av luftrenare i Visby domkyrka. 30 s. [Mer information]
Mattsson, M. (2014). Testing local exhaust ventilation at controlled turbulence generation by using tracer gas and a 3-D anemometer. 37 s. Länk [Mer information]
Publicerad av: Camilla Haglund Sidansvarig: Gunilla Mårtensson Sidan uppdaterades: 2022-07-04
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