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Mirko Radic


Mirko Radic


Forskningsämne: Matematik




Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

Attorps, I., Björk, K. & Radic, M. (2016). Generating the patterns of variation with GeoGebra : the case of polynomial approximations. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 47 (1), 45-57. 10.1080/0020739X.2015.1046961 [Mer information]
Attorps, I., Hector, S. & Radić, M. (2015). Creating the patterns of variation with GeoGebra when teaching derivative graphs for first year engineering students. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31 (6), 1605-1612. [Mer information]
Attorps, I., Björk, K., Radic, M. & Tossavainen, T. (2013). Varied ways to teach the definite integral concept. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 8 (2-3), 81-99. [Mer information]

Kapitel i böcker

Attorps, I. & Radic, M. (2016). Variationsteoretiskt perspektiv på matematikundervisningen. Ämnesdidaktiska utmaningar - inom matematik, naturvetenskap och teknik. Gävle: Gävle University Press. S. 15-26. Länk [Mer information]


Attorps, I., Björk, K., Radic, M. & Viirman, O. (2013). Teaching Inverse Functions at Tertiary level. CERME 8 : <em></em>Proceedings of the Eight Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Antalya: Middle East Technical University. S. 2524-2533. Länk [Mer information]
Attorps, I., Björk, K., Lingefjärd, T. & Radic, M. (2012). Application of Variation Theory in Teaching and Learning of Taylor Polynomials with GeoGebra. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematics Education. Seoul. Korea. Seoul. Korea. S. 3479-3488. [Mer information]
Attorps, I., Björk, K. & Radic, M. (2011). The use of mathematics software in university mathematics teaching. The proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics education. Poland.  University of Rzeszow.. S. 2188-2197. [Mer information]
Attorps, I., Björk, K. & Radic, M. (2010). Improving undergraduate mathematics teaching. The proceedings of MADIF7; The 7th Swedish Mathematics  Education Research Seminar, Stockholm, January 26-27, 2010.. [Mer information]
Attorps, I., Björk, K., Radic, M. & Tossavainen, T. (2010). The Learning Study Model and the Teaching of the Definite Integral Concept. <em></em>Reports and Studies in Education, Humanities, and Theology. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland. S. 77-86. Länk [Mer information]
Publicerad av: Camilla Haglund Sidansvarig: Gunilla Mårtensson Sidan uppdaterades: 2022-07-04
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