SEP 2024
at 09.00-13.00
Iyabo Theresa Ogionwos Memorial Day
The Iyabo Theresa Ogionwo Memorial Day is being organised for the third year in a row. The foundation created in her name organises an annual seminar day on the theme of international social work.
Datum: Monday 23 September
Tid: 9am–1pm
Plats: University of Gävle, room 51:220
The programme for the commemorative day includes lectures, refreshments and lunch and the lectures will be held in English. The moderator is Stella Nelly Mukazana Igitego, former recipient of the scholarship and final year student of the International Social Work Programme. During the day there will be lectures:
- Peter Åström: Mental Health is a Human Right.
- Susanne Hansen: Workshop on how Craft’s & Creativity as a vehicle for improved Mental Outlooks.
- Catharina Löf & Cecilia Ingard: Lecture on First Aid for Mental Health.
Everyone is welcome to participate and listen during the day. If you want coffee/lunch, we need your registration by 17 September. Registration should be emailed to sandra.wikner@hig.se.
9.00–9.15 Opening Speech by Stella Nelly Mukazana Igitego, moderator, I.T.O.M.F – Scholarship Fund & Memorial Lecture – Importance/Value
9.15–9.20 Opening Speech by Shashi Rekha Berglund, representative for I.T.O.M.F – Purpose, Plans/Goals and Activities of the Foundation.
9.30–10.10 Mental Health is a Human Right – Peter Åström, Region Gävleborg
10.10–10.40 Crafts & Creativity as a vehicle for improved Mental Outlooks a short presentation of – Susanne Hansen, Språngbrädan
10.45–11.00 Coffee Break
11.00–11.40 Group workshop and continued exploration on the Issue Mental Health
11.50–12.30 First Aid for Mental health – Catharina Löf & Cecilia Ingard
12.40–13.00 Closing Speech by family representative of Iyabo Theresa Ogionwo
13.15–14.00 Lunch
Time and place
This page was last updated 2024-08-29