SEP 2024

at 09.30-12.30

Researchers´ Friday at University of Gävle

On Friday 27 September, the University and WP 5 within EU GREEN will organize this year's Researchers´ Friday. This year, students from grade 6 will come to us to experiment and be active together with some of our researchers and PhD students.

Date: 27 september
Time: 09:30­­-12:30
Location: Högskolan

Some of the activities that students will try:

  • “Dance to negative numbers” - the starting point is a classroom where rhythm, dance and movement will contribute to a better understanding of a mathematical concept, namely negative numbers.
    Maria Cortas Nordlander, researcher in mathematics
  • “Fictitious Pancakes” - students will try to make fictitious pancakes to simulate logistic flows and efficiency thinking.
    Julian Strömberg, Assistant Professor and PhD student in Industrial Economics
  • “Energy experiments” - students get to measure the temperature of the sky and clouds, among other things.
    Björn O Karlsson, researcher in energy systems
  • “What does it mean to do research & what is research for you?"- students will share their thoughts and take part in a survey.
    Maria Fregidou-Malama, researcher in business administration
  • “AI and robots” - students learn about the industry of the future and program their own robots.
    Oscar Bautista Gonzales, PhD student in electrical engineering

The University's Researchers´ Friday is part of the European Researcher's Night External link..

Time and place

27 Sep 2024


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This page was last updated 2024-09-24