Restart a heart day – vital to raise awareness of CPR

Today is international Restart a Heart Day, which aims to raise awareness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The recommendation is to attend a training session every year. Below you can find several documents on CPR, airway obstruction, where to find the nearest trainer and the nearest defibrillator on campus.

– This day is about increasing public knowledge and awareness of CPR, how to use a defibrillator and how you should act in the event of an airway arrest. In the Department of Caring Sciences we have several CPR instructors, we train students in CPR and have also trained staff at the University. It is recommended that you take a course every year to keep your knowledge up to date, says Fanny Svartling, registered nurse and specialist nurse specialising in district nursing, and CPR instructor.

Fanny Svartling.

Fanny Svartling. Photo: Anna Sällberg

Below you will find several posters showing how you should proceed in different situations.

– These posters can be put up for rehearsal, for example in offices and canteens, says Fanny Svartling.

Text: Anna Sällberg

Dockor som används vid HLR-utbildning.

Manikins used in CPR training. Photo: Anna Sällberg

This page was last updated 2024-10-16