Jonas Boustedt, profilbild

Jonas Boustedt

Senior lecturer, Head of department

Research subject: Computer Science

Research area: Geospatial Information Science


About the researcher

I am an electronics and computer engineer, computer scientist, teacher and researcher. I have been employed at the University of Gävle since 1998 and in 2010 I got my PhD in Computer Science with specialization in computer science education.

My research focuses on learning and teaching in Computer Science, mainly in programming and software development. Among other things, I am interested in how students perceive and master key concepts, threshold concepts and design processes. Another area is the phenomenon of "learning on your own" (Self-directed learning) which is common in knowledge formation in computer science. I am an active member of "Sweden Group", an international research team with members from Sweden, England and the USA.

This page was last updated 2024-05-15