Zhao Wang
Senior lecturer
About the researcher
My tasks at the subject group sustainability science comprise both research within environmental engineering and teaching in our undergraduate and master programmes. In my position, I have the management responsibility for a undergraduate programme with engineering focus on technologies and technical systems which aim to mitigate environmental problems through minimized emissions and increased recycling of energy and resource. My research, which is directed towards the development and evaluation of technologies with focus on energy and environmental benefits, also includes supervision of doctoral students in the field of sustainability science.
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Rueda-Avellaneda, J., Gomez-Gonzalez, R., Rivas-García, P., Benitez-Bravo, R., Botello-Álvarez, J. & Wang, Z. (2023). Application of a sustainable location index approach to landfill site selection in Monterrey, Mexico. SAGE, Waste Management & Research, 41 (5), (1014-1025). 10.1177/0734242x221138733 [More information]
Arfan, M., Eriksson, O., Wang, Z. & Soam, S. (2023). Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of hydrogen production from biowaste and biomass in Sweden. Elsevier, Energy Conversion and Management, 291 (), 10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117262 [More information]
Carlos-Pinedo, S. & Wang, Z. (2022). Assessment of a full-scale solid-state anaerobic co-digestion: A multi-component substrate analysis by using ORWARE. Elsevier, Waste Management, 146 (), (36-43). 10.1016/j.wasman.2022.04.042 [More information]
Arfan, M., Wang, Z., Soam, S. & Eriksson, O. (2021). Biogas as a transport fuel—a system analysis of value chain development in a Swedish context. MDPI, Sustainability, 13 (8), 10.3390/su13084560 [More information]
Rambaree, K., Sundström, A., Wang, Z. & Wright, S. (2021). Qualitative stakeholder analysis for a Swedish regional biogas development. MDPI, Sustainability, 13 (14), 10.3390/su13148003 [More information]
Carlos-Pinedo, S., Wang, Z., Eriksson, O. & Soam, S. (2020). Study of the digestion process at a full-scale solid-state biogas plant by using ORWARE. Elsevier, Waste Management, 107 (), (133-142). [More information]
Guven, H., Wang, Z. & Eriksson, O. (2019). Evaluation of future food waste management alternatives in Istanbul from the life cycle assessment perspective. Elsevier, Journal of Cleaner Production, 239 (), [More information]
Carlos-Pinedo, S., Wang, Z. & Eriksson, O. (2019). Methane yield from SS-AD. Elsevier, Biomass and Bioenergy, 127 (), [More information]
Guven, H., Eriksson, O., Wang, Z. & Ozturk, I. (2018). Life cycle assessment of upgrading options of a preliminary wastewater treatment plant including food waste addition. Water Research, 145 (), (518-530). [More information]
Wang, Z., Liu, L. & Neretnieks, I. (2016). Hard-sphere fluid mediated interaction. Molecular Physics, 114 (5), (599-607). [More information]
Wang, Z. & Liu, L. (2012). The swelling pressure of Na-bentonite. Chemistry Letters, 41 (10), (1346-1348). [More information]
Wang, Z. & Liu, L. (2012). Weighted correlation approach. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 86 (3), [More information]
Wang, Z., Liu, L. & Neretnieks, I. (2011). A novel method to describe the interaction pressure between charged plates with application of the weighted correlation approach. Journal of Chemical Physics, 135 (24), (244107-). [More information]
Wang, Z., Liu, L. & Neretnieks, I. (2011). The weighted correlation approach for density functional theory. Journal of Physics, 23 (17), [More information]
Wang, Z. (2013). A weighted correlation approach of the density functional theory for an inhomogeneous fluid at an interface. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2013. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology. viii, 62 s. (TRITA-CHE Report ) Länk [More information]
Conference papers
Pavlova, A., Sergienko, O., Wang, Z., Heikinheimo, L. & Obuka, V. (2020). Creating aligned studies in resource efficiency and circular economy in the Baltic sea region. [More information]
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This page was last updated 2024-05-15