Anneli Frelin, profilbild

Anneli Frelin

PhD Professor in Curriculum StudiesResearch director, Strategic research area Innovative learning

Research subject: Curriculum studies

Research area: Educational Science


About the researcher

Anneli Frelin is Professor of Curriculum Studies at the University of Gävle, Sweden. With a background in teaching, her main interest is what makes education work for all. She has conducted projects on topics such as innovative learning environments, whole-school approaches to creating sustainable educational environments, safe schools, teachers’ professionalism and teacher commitment. She has a special interest in spatial, relational, and curriculum theories and her articles have been published in international and national journals. She is deputy director of the strategic research area Innovative learning, With Jan Grannäs, she also co-directs the research group ROLE (Research on Learning Environments) and is deputy director of the research program LET (Learning Environments of Tomorrow. She is also involved in the European research network DRAPES (Design, Research and Practice in Educational Spaces) and in several research projects.

Research group: ROLE – Research On Learning Environments

Current Research

Professional work experience:

2018 — Professor in Curriculum Studies, University of Gävle

2011— 2018 Lecturer in Curriculum Studies, University of Gävle
2010—2011 Lecturer in Curriculum Studies, Uppsala University
Lecturer in Curriculum Studies, University of Gävle
2009—2010 Teacher assistant in Curriculum studies, Uppsala University
2004—2009 Doctoral student in Curriculum Studies, Uppsala University, Faculty of Educational Sciences
2004 Teacher assistant in Education, University of Gävle
1992—2003 Teacher years 3-7, municipality of Gävle
1990—1992 Teacher years 4-6, municipality of Sigtuna

Academic Background:


2014 Docent (associate professor), Curriculum Studies, Uppsala University

2010 Doctoral degree, Curriculum Studies, Uppsala University
2005 Master of Social Science, University of Gävle
2004 Bachelor of Social Science, University of Gävle
1990 Bachelor of Education, Primary Education, University of Gävle
1995 Intercultural Communication, 3 cred. Lynchburg College, Virginia
1995 Behavior Management, 3 cred. (Masters), Lynchburg College, Virginia

Research funding:

2018 IFOUS: Project (2018-2019) Building school, with Suzanne de Laval, Arkitekturanalys and Jan Grannäs, HiG

2017 Swedish National Research Council: Network (2018-2019) From design to practice. School environments from a Nordic Perspective, with University of Iceland, Umeå University, Oslo University and Aarhus University.

Vinnova: Project (2017-2019) Laborative activity based school environment in Hudiksvall. Vinnova, with RISE Acreo AB, Fiber Optic Valley, Hudiksvall municipality and Jan Grannäs, HiG.

2015 Pilot study, the Principal's office, with Jan Grannäs

2013 Planning grant, University of Gävle.

Invitation of Guest researcher grant, the Principal's office, University of Gävle

2012 AFA Insurance: Principals' work and teacher registration, with Göran Fransson and Jan Grannäs.
2011 AFA Insurance: Project leader (2012-2014) Sustainable relationships as prevention against threats and violence A study of teachers and students relational practices in the interstices of school, with Jan Grannäs.
Swedish National Research Council: Project (2012-2014) Cross-roads. A longitudinal study of choices and values in teachers' work trajectories, with Göran Fransson and Linnaeus University

2010 Forum for Subject Didactics, The Faculty of Educational Sciences:
Planning grant, with Silvia Edling och Karin Hjälmeskog.
National Research Council, article for the project Curriculum perspectives on newly qualified teachers´ professionality

Stipends, awards:

2016 SLFF author scholarship.

2014 Guest researcher stay, University of Tampere, Finland.

2013 SLFF author scholarship.

2011 Harald & Louise Ekmans Research foundation: Research stay at Sigtunastiftelsen.

2010 National webportal for teachers, “360-favorite" award
Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation: Travel stipend, Conference participation.
Göransson-Sandviken travel stipend, GH Student Union, Uppsala University:
Conference participation.
Harald & Louise Ekmans Research foundation:
Research stay at Sigtunastiftelsen.
2009 Göransson-Sandviken travel stipend, GH Student Union, Uppsala University:
Conference participation.
Göransson-Sandviken travel stipend, GH Student Union, Uppsala University:
Research stay at Stirling University, Scotland
2008 Göransson-Sandviken travel stipend, GH Student Union, Uppsala University:
Conference participation.
2005 National Research Council, committee of Educational sciences
Conference participation
2003 National Gender equality ombudsman, Honorary award, essay contest



Vice Chair of Recruitment board, University of Gävle

Faculty representative, election committee, University Board

Department representative, Faculty board, Faculty of education and business studies

Referee-uppdrag: Teaching and Teacher Education, Nordic Studies in Education, University of Iceland (promotion case)

Member of task force: Review of recruitment regulation for the university

Remisshandläggare, Med undervisningsskicklighet i centrum - ett ramverk för lärares och rektorers professionella utveckling, SOU 2018:17


Referee: ISATT Conference

Vice Chair of Recruitment board, University of Gävle Faculty representative, election committee, University Board

Department representative, Faculty board, Faculty of education and business studies


Vice Chair of Recruitment board, University of Gävle

Representative, recruitment group for doctoral students in Education

Faculty representative, election committee, University Board

Department representative, Faculty board, Faculty of education and business studies

Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education, Educational Theory, AERA Annual Meeting

Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation (research proposal)


Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education

Reviewer, AERA Annual Meeting 2016

Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Curriculum and Social Justice


Member of Advisory Board, OSU research project, Univ of Tampere

Project leader, development of research profile in Curriculum Studies and Education, University of Gävle

Vice Chair of Recruitment board, University of Gävle

Reviewer, AERA Annual Meeting 2015


Chair of Recruitment Committee, SIG (Special Interest Group) Lives of Teachers, AERA.

Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education.

Reviewer, Journal of Educational Change.


Reviewer, AERA Annual Meeting 2013.

Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education.


Reviewer for AERA Annual Meeting 2012, Vancouver
Reviewer Journal of Curriculum Studies
Reviewer Nordic Studies in Education.
Member of Task force for application of permission to conduct Teacher education, University of Gävle

Reviewer Journal of Curriculum Studies
Reference groups, Uppsala University, National reform of Teacher education 2011: Core curriculum, Classroom Management.
2009— Department representative, Network for Educational leadership
2008-2009 Doctoral representative, Board of Department, Curriculum Studies
2004—2008 Doctoral representative, Recruitment group, Faculty of Educational Sciences


AAACS (American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies)
AERA (American Educational Research Association)
ISATT (International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching) Nat. Rep.
JDS (John Dewey Society)
NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association)

NORP (Nordic network on Relational Pedagogy)
STORIES (Research group, University of Gävle)

This page was last updated 2024-05-15