Guadalupe Francia
About the researcher
Researcher in the field of policies and practices for equity in education and professor in education at the University of Gävle (Sweden).
Within EU GREEN External link., she is co-leader of WP7 Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion.
Head of the Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Domain in Innovative Learning (2020-2022), and research leader for the Research group SEEDS (Studies in Education for Equity, Democracy and Sustainability (since 2018-) at the University of Gävle.
Guest teacher at the Master of Social Education at the University of Granada since 2012.
Affiliated expert in the European Network of Experts on Social aspects of Education and Training (NESET) since 2011 and member of the Network Research on Children’s Rights in Education at the European Educational Research Conference (EERA) since 2008.
Evaluator for international research/ cooperation projects at the Swedish Council of Higher Education during 2023-2024. Member of the EU-Commission expert group on supportive learning environments for groups at risk of underachievement and for supporting well-being at school 2023-2024.
Responsible for producing web articles on Equity in Education published by the Swedish National Board of Education from 2019. Conducting several projects and research networks at national and international level (Europa and Latin- American).
Author of over 80 publications in English, French, Spanish and Swedish languages in the field of Equity, Gender Equality, Education policies, Social Sustainability and Migrant Children's education and School violence as well as Equity issues related to the Convention of the Right of the Child and Agenda 2030.
Practical experience in pedagogical work with children and adults from different cultures and backgrounds through work as mother tongue teacher in Sweden and primary school teacher in Argentina.
- Project on pupil mental health, SAW “Stärkande av ungdomars välbefinnande – en framgångsfaktor”, University of Gävle since 2021
- Project Bullying and Discrimination from a Gender perspective Gävle model University of Gävle since 2019
- Project Bullying with focus on school culture University of Gävle in cooperation with University of Linköping 2022-2026 (Swedish Scientific Council funding)
- Project Career Counseling an equity perspective, University of Gävle (2019-2021)
- Children rights developing theory and methods (network since 2021)
- Developing a theoretical model to understand equity in cooperation with Umeå (article project) 2023
- School Free choice and Gender: Project in cooperation with Västerås municipality and Mälardalen university (2017-2023).
- Equity policies in pandemic times: A comparative research study (Spain-Sweden-Argentina) (article production 2023)
This page was last updated 2024-05-15