- (2009) PhD in education, May 27 2009. Thesis: Ruptured narratives. An analysis of the contradictions in young people's responses to issues of personal responsibility and social violence in an educational context.
Supervisor: Professor Carl Anders Säfström, Professor Sharon Todd and Caroline Liberg Opponent: Lynda Stone - (2003) Teacher training programme at Uppsala University, majoring in English and history
- (1999) BA at the University of Uppsala, specialising in Swedish and civics
- (1999) BSoc.Sc in Education
Docent/Associate professor and Excellent teacher
- (2019) Professor in curriculum theory
- (2017) Received an Excellent teacher award
- (2015) Associate professor of education at Uppsala University
Previous employments
- (2015) Senior lecturer in education at the University of Gävle (AUE, didactics). Full-time/permanent contract, 20% skill time is included in the contract.
- (2014-2015) Assistant lecturer at the University of Gävle, with 60% research
- (2011 – 2013) Senior lecturer in education (specialising in special education), at EDU University of Uppsala. Full-time permanent contract, 20% research included in the contract. Leave of absence 2013-2015
- (2009-2011) Acting professor in didactics. 10% research included in the contract.
Post-doctoral experience
- 2013-2014 visiting research fellow at the University of Gävle
Experience of postgraduate supervision
- Assistant supervisor for doctoral student Adrian Neaubauer, Madrid University, Spain (2020)
- Ongoing: Assistant supervisor for doctoral student Daryl Pierson, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Research group
- 2013- Research group: STORIES (Studies of Relationships in Educational environments for Sustainability)
Other academic assignments (a selection)
- (2019) Invited to serve on the Board of Examiners for PhD student Isaac Benyamine, at Stockholm University, 22 March
- (2019) Peer-reviewer ECER, Children's rights
- (2018) Special Lecturer in education with a specialisation in didactics Dnr AN 2.2.1-500-18
- (2018) Expert senior lecturer in educational work at Dalarna University [HDa 2.3 -2017/696]
- (2017) Invited to serve on the Examination Board for doctoral student Helene Jenvén at Örebro University on Friday 17 March 2017.
Contact person: Prof. Jan Orlenius: Kennert.Orlenius@hb.se - (2018) Invited to verve on the Board of Examiners for Mie Josefsson’s PhD thesis at Stockholm University, 2 February 2018.
Contact person: Prof. Hillevi Lenz Taguchi hillevi.lenz-taguchi@buv.su.se - (2018) Peer-reviewer: ECER, Children's rights
- (2018). Co-author of the research application on rights at the University of Gävle
- (2017) Representative for AUE in the Pedagogical Merit Committee at the University of Gävle (PeMu)
- (2017) Peer-reviewer: AERA
- (2017) Peer-reviewer: Journal of Policy in Education
- (2017) Peer-reviewer: Utbildning och Demokrati [Education and Democracy
- (2017) Peer-reviewer: Journal of Teacher Education
- (2017) Peer reviewer for Journal of Teacher Education
- (2017-2021) Co-leader of a four year project financed by the Swedish Research Council for the sum of 5.6 million SEK: Meetings between moral and historical reflections. Participants: Professor Niklas Ammert (Linnaeus University), Associate Professor Jan Löfstedt (Helsingfors University, Finland) and Dr Heather Sharp (Newcastle University, Australia).
- (2015-2016) Co-leader with Jan Löfstedt, Niklas Ammert, Gudmundur Frimannsson and Liisa Myyryn in the workshop and research network Towards an integrated theory of historical consciousness and moral consciousnes
- (2017) Invited to UCLA for a research collaboration. Participated in academic events celebrating the first anniversary of the establishment of the UNESCO-UCLA Chair in Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, 6 February-11 February 2017 on the UCLA campus. Private academic meetings were held to coordinate collaborative and comparative research on global learning and global citizenship education, with a focus on programmes in Sweden and the United States. Contact person: Professor Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres catnovoa@aol.com
- (2016-) Co-leader of the Higher Seminar on Education at the University of Gävle
- (2016) Invited to participate in the committee responsible for the projection of the External Advisory Board, The Third Profile, University of Gävle.
Contact person: Annika Elm: annika.elm@hig.se - (2016) Alternate for AUE in the Pedagogic Merit Committee at the University of Gävle (PeMu)
- (2016) Peer reviewer for Journal of Moral Education
- (2016) Invited to lecture at a conference on equality in the prechool teachers’ programme at Gothenburg University, Falkenberg (May)
Contact person: Dr Christina Ekström, christina.ekstrom@hsm.gu.se - (2016) Invited guest lecturer on Democracy and Diversity at a master’s course in social didactics at Oslo University, Contact person, Associate Professor Elin Sæther, elin.sather@ils.uio.no, Oslo (October)
- (2015) Peer reviewer for Journal of Curriculum Studies
- (2015) Peer reviewer for Scandinavian Journal of Education
- (2015) Peer reviewer for the journal Education and Democracy
- (2012-) Gender agent at EDU, Uppsala University
- (2012-) Peer reviewer for the journal Education and Learning, Skövde (Editor Maria Olson)
- (2012-) Invited to study and develop the progression of Department EDU at Uppsala University
- (2012-) Invited to compile a dossier for HSV's evaluation of Didactics at the Department of EDU, Uppsala University
- (2011-2012) Representative on the Policy Board at the Department of EDU, Uppsala University (2010). Contact for honorary doctor Bronwyn Davies (2007-2008) PhD student Council President
- (2007-2008) Representative of the Faculty Board (2007-2008) representative in The Research Committee (2004-) Peer reviewer for the journal International Journal of Learning
- (2014) Teaching at graduate level (master’s course on Social Education) University of Granada, Spain – contact Associate Professor Antonio Luzón Trujillo: aluzon@ugr.se (until further notice)
- (2014) Teaching at postgraduate level [WINTER SCHOOL FOR PHD STUDENTS], University of Limerick, Ireland – contact person Professor Mary Jenkins Parks: marie.parker.jenkins@ul.ie
- (2013) Guest Lecturer, University of Limerick, Ireland – contact person Professor Mary Jenkins Parks: marie.parker.jenkins@ul.ie
- (2012) Keynote speaker at the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Conference in Oslo, Nordic Democracy Conference for teacher training Våxenåsen, contact Ellen Almgren at the Swedish National Agency for Education: ellen.almgren@skolverket.se
Collaboration with the surrounding society (selection)
- (2016) Invited lecturer on the democracy dilemma at the Ethics Council’s annual seminar for course managers. Contact person: J-Holst, Anna, Anna.Jandel-Holst@lr.se on teachers ' Association (September).
- (2012) Employed by the Swedish National Agency for Education as a lecturer on the course Values and Equal Treatment 7.5 hp. Contact person, annika.hjelm@skolverket.se (visited several schools and preschools between Östersund and Uppsala.) CONTRACT TRAINING
- (2010) Employed as a lecturer of the Swedish National Agency for Education on the course, Bullying, harassment and discrimination - school internships and research perspective, EDUCATION