Research School Change - co-creating a sustainable working life

Health promotion and an inclusive working life are prerequisites for viable organizations, healthy workplaces and sustainable growth.

Health promotion and an inclusive working life are prerequisites for viable organizations, healthy workplaces and sustainable growth.

Logga Forskarskolan Change

In the research school Change research and business collaborate on knowledge, solutions and conditions for a working life that promotes growth in combination with healthy, inclusive and socially sustainable workplaces.

Research contributes with knowledge that companies and organizations can use to develop and adapt to a sustainable working life. Businesses and organizations contribute challenges, knowledge and experience to research, making it even more relevant.

Latest news

Changeday was organized for the first time on 13 February. The idea is to make it an annual event.

More information on Changeday 2024 External link.

Purpose of the research school

Through joint work on issues and challenges that exist in working life, we can use increased knowledge to stimulate health, inclusion and diversity in the workplace. In the research school, practice-oriented doctoral students work on urgent issues and challenges that are developed in collaboration with companies and organizations.

The practice-oriented research provides direct results in the business. Collaborative doctoral students who work closely with both universities and businesses become a bridge that contributes to contacts and increased exchange between the organizations.

The research school has been started on the initiative of the University of Gävle and Region Gävleborg to provide increased opportunities for business to become even more successful and sustainable.

Research areas

Change creates increased knowledge and conditions for a sustainable, attractive working life that is good for health, innovation capacity and competitiveness. The graduate school has two research areas.

Organization and management for a sustainable inclusive working life

The focus is on organizational and leadership development that contributes to diversity, gender equality, equity and health. How are organizations designed to be health-promoting for all, while being attractive and profitable?

Physical conditions and social environment for healthy workplaces

This area focuses on the conditions for a sustainable and inclusive working life that promotes health in the workplace, which in turn contributes to attractiveness and increased competitiveness. How to promote a good working environment and health in the working life of the future?

How can you participate in the research school?

Companies and organizations are engaged in the Research School in joint research and development projects. Together with researchers, important and real challenges in the businesses are identified. Research questions and conditions for projects are created in close collaboration. Conditions that need to be created around the projects include funding, recruitment of doctoral students and agreements between universities and companies.

Within the research school, a network is built with interested companies that in various ways take part in the latest research and exchange experience and knowledge with companies and researchers in the forum.

To ensure that the research school works with current and relevant issues and activities, there is a reference group with representatives from the private, public and non-profit sectors.

Current doctoral projects

Flexible working arrangements in SMEs

Malin Svensson

The aim is to investigate how work environment and health are affected by the possibility to decide where, when or how the work is performed

PhD student:
Malin Svensson
Supervisors: Marina Heiden, Åsa Samuelsson, Camilla Zetterberg

Poster: Flexible working arrangements in small and medium-sized enterprises Pdf, 389.3 kB.

Organizational sustainability in flexible work

Ingela Eng

Investigate the conditions for companies to create long-term good working conditions and good results at the individual and organizational level.

PhD student: Ingela Eng
Supervisors: Annika Strömberg (HIG), Emmanuel Aboagye (NTNU), Eva Bergsten (HIG)

Poster: Organizational sustainability in flexible work Pdf, 1021.2 kB.

How emotions come to life in middle managers' interactions

Malin Vadelius

The project aims to deepen the understanding of how middle managers use emotions in the interaction with managerial colleagues and to develop and evaluate a method for developing the social work environment with a focus on how emotions are used in the interaction.

PhD student: Malin Vadelius
Supervisor: Katarina Wijk, Katrin Lättman

Poster: How emotions come to life in middle managers' interactions Pdf, 225.6 kB.

Together: the mutual interaction of middle managers in everyday work

Barbara Undervill

In the study, we delve into how the reciprocity in the interaction of managerial colleagues in the workplace promotes the creation of a good organizational and social work environment. Through knowledge and new methods, we want to contribute to the sustainable working life of these middle managers.

PhD student: Barbara Undervill
Supervisors: Ingrid Schéle and Katarina Wijk

Poster: Together: middle managers' mutual interaction in everyday work life Pdf, 284.3 kB.

Teleworking - Challenges with Opportunities

Tea Korkeakunnas

The overall aim is to increase knowledge about telework that can help companies find solutions on how it can be implemented in a sustainable way for both organization and individual.

PhD student: Tea Korkeakunnas
Supervisors: Marina Heiden, Komalsingh Rambaree, Malin Lohela-Karlsson

Poster: Telework - Challenges with Opportunities Pdf, 1.2 MB.

Impact of cancer on cancer survivors' health, health-related quality of life and sickness absence

Jessica Nordlander

The overall aim of the thesis is to study cancer-related consequences on health, health-related quality of life and sick leave, and to identify factors associated with these outcomes in people diagnosed with cancer. I will, among other things, conduct survey and register studies within the framework of the work.

PhD student: Jessica Nordlander
Supervisors: Anna Efverman (HiG), Annika Nilsson (HiG) Katarina Steen Carlsson (Lund University) Stefan Bergström (Uppsala University, Region Uppsala).


David Hallman, profilbild

David Hallman

Professor in Occupational health science

Contact David Hallman if you have any questions about the research project or read more about his research and see his publications in the researcher presentation.

Logga Region Gävleborg

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This page was last updated 2024-11-08