Living with long-term ill-health
Here you can find research projects in the field of long-term ill-health
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in functional gastrointestinal diseases
Disease prevention. health promotion
Drug-related problems in Sweden
Hypertension — gender perspective
Living with long-term conditions
Long-term gastrointestinal disorders
Relationship between personality type and functional gastrointestinal diseases
The IDA-project 20 years later
Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest
The role of Helicobacter Pylori in the development of ulcers
Aktuella forskningsprojekt
Avslutade forskningsprojekt
- Drug related problems in Sweden
- Helicobacter Pyloris roll vid utvecklandet av magsår
- Motiverande samtal
- Kylbehandling efter hjärtstopp
- Långvariga mag-tarmbesvär
- Samband mellan personlighetstyp och funktionella mag-tarmbesvär
- Hypertoni – genusperspektiv
- Sexual life and married life
External link.
- Experience in patients
- Komplementär och alternativ medicin vid funktionella mag-tarmbesvär
- Sjukdomsprevention, hälsopromotion
This page was last updated 2025-01-13