Disease prevention, health promotion
Long-term conditions/disorders - disease prevention and health promotion
Follow-up of people with migraine treated with an Internet-based stress management program, studied from a gender perspective.
The aim is to evaluate an Internet-based multimodal behavioral treatment (MBT) program for migraine. We will interview research subjects about their migraine situation and health status and the extent to which they have continued to apply the MBT program after the initial study ended. Subjects' views will be sought to assess what facilitates the use of Internet-based treatment programs, and to what extent subjects' lifestyles have changed in accordance with the program content, with a focus on their stress management skills.
It is well established that stress is a factor in migraine and that women's and men's life situations, and thus stressors, differ, which is why a gender perspective is essential. Long-term evaluation of treatment programs is important to develop these and further adapt them to the target group, which leads to both reduced suffering for the affected person and a cost saving for the healthcare system.
Duration 2011-
The sub-project is a continuation of ongoing doctoral studies. This project requires the completion of the doctoral thesis in 2011.
Project leader doctoral student

Högskolan i Gävle
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This page was last updated 2025-01-13