Drug related problems in Sweden

– a nationwide epidemiological survey

The main aim of the thesis is to study drug-related problems from an epidemiological perspective with a special focus on non-adherence to drug therapies and the importance of anxiety, worry and depression for adherence.

In the thesis work, two national population surveys are used regarding the population's health, drug use and quality of life. Both surveys are based on a random sample of the Swedish population aged 18-84. One was conducted in 2004/05 (N=8,000), and the other in 2012 (N=16,000).


Lena Thunander Sundbom, PhD student, University of Gävle/ Uppsala University
Kerstin (Chris) Bingefors, MD, Uppsala University (main supervisor)
Dag Isacson, MD, Professor, Uppsala University (assistant supervisor)
Kerstin Hedborg, MD, University of Gävle (assistant supervisor)


Thunander Sundbom, L., Bingefors, K., Hedborg, K. & Isacson, D. (2017). Are men under-treated and women over-treated with antidepressants: Findings from a cross-sectional survey in Sweden. BJPsych bulletin, 41 (1), 145-150. 10.1192/pb.bp.116.054270 External link. [More information] External link.

Thunander Sundbom, L. & Bingefors, K. (2013). The influence of symptoms of anxiety and depression on medication nonadherence and its causes: a population based survey of prescription drug users in Sweden. Patient Preference and Adherence, 7, 805-811. 10.2147/PPA.S50055 External link. [More information] External link.

Thunander Sundbom, L. & Bingefors, K. (2012). Women and men report different behaviors in, and reasons for medication non-adherence: a nationwide Swedish survey [Hombres y mujeres comunican diferentes comportamientos y razones para el incumplimiento de la medicación: Encuesta nacional Sueca]. Pharmacy Practice, 10 (4), 207-221. 10.4321/S1886-36552012000400005 External link. [More information] External link.

Thunander Sundbom, L. (2017). The influence of gender and depression on drug utilization: Pharmacoepidemiological research in Sweden. Diss. (abstract), 2017. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 67 p. (Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy 238) Link External link. [More information] External link.

Thunander Sundbom, L. (2014). The influence of gender and psychological distress on adherence to prescribed medication. Lic.-avh. (abstract), 2014. Uppsala: Uppsala University. 41 p. Link External link. [More information] External link.

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