Pain in older people

- an intervention study asking for the perspectives of older people, relatives and carers

Three sub-studies were conducted. In sub-study 1, the aim was to describe the prevalence of pain in older people with and without cognitive impairment in special care homes (SÄBO), to investigate possible associations with physical functioning and quality of life, and to compare the caregivers' estimates of pain with estimates according to the pain assessment instrument. Sub-study 2 aimed to investigate the effects of the intervention and, based on group interviews with health care professionals, to describe the experiences and perceptions of educational interventions on pain and the introduction of systematic pain assessment in the elderly. Funds have been received from the Dementia Fund and the Alzheimer's Fund (focus on care development).

Grants from the Swedish Dementia Association, which has published a popular science summary on its website. External link.

Persons responsible in the municipality

Head of unit, medically responsible nurse (MAS) and four nurses

Researchers from the University of Gävle

Anna-Greta Mamhidir, senior lecturer (project manager)
Elisabeth Häggström, associate professor
Birgitta Fläckman
Maria Engström, professor
Britt-Marie Sjölund

Collaborating partners

Anders Wimo, geriatrician and professor, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Kerstin Blomqvist, Kristianstad University


Sjölund, B., Mamhidir, A. & Engström, M. (2021). Pain prevalence among residents living in nursing homes and its association with quality of life and well-being. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 35 (4), 1332-1341. 10.1111/scs.12955 External link. [More information] External link.

Mamhidir, A., Sjölund, B., Fläckman, B., Wimo, A., Sköldunger, A. & Engström, M. (2017). Systematic pain assessment in nursing homes: a cluster-randomized trial using mixed-methods approach. BMC Geriatrics, 17. 10.1186/s12877-017-0454-z External link. [More information] External link.

This page was last updated 2025-01-13