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Mamunur Rashid received his PhD in Occupational Health in January 2020 and is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in Public Health. He received his Master's degree in Public Health Epidemiology from Karolinska Institutet and his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Medical Anthropology from Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

He has been teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level in Public Health and Occupational Health subject since September 2020. His main teaching areas are public health and epidemiology, public health psychology, health promotion and inclusive work life, health promotion, and research methods.

Current research

Mamunur Rashid's research interest in public health and occupational health focuses on social determinants of health, sickness absence, psychosocial factors for a sustainable work environment, work ability, well-being and return to work, and structural violence and health equity.

Review Editor
"Frontiers in Public Health" in the section "Occupational Health and Safety": https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/1807577/overview External link.