Home folder

As a student at University of Gävle you have access to a home directory/folder for storing your documents. You can store up to 1 GB on your home directory.

Backing up your files

At the University's computers, the home directory/folder is H: standard storage device. All files that you store on your home directory are backed up. This means that IT support can help you recover files deleted by mistake.

IT Support Phone Hours

Monday–Friday: 8.00–15.00

Troubleshooting and self-help: Serviceportal External link.
Telephone hours Monday–Friday 8.00–15.00
Visiting Hours: Monday–Friday 9.00–15.00

If you have accidentally deleted a file and need help recovering it, submit a case in our service portal External link. with the name of the missing file and the time it disappeared.

This page was last updated 2024-04-16