Guidlines and templates for theses in engineering subjects
The University of Gävle provides comprehensive resources and guidelines for students undertaking their thesis or degree projects within the Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development. This page offers detailed instructions, templates, and essential information to ensure students meet academic standards and successfully complete their work.
Step-by-step writing instructions
- Download The Template Thesis template ATM.docx
Word, 86.3 kB. and the Writing Guide Writing Guide For Theses Written at ATM
Pdf, 466.4 kB.
- Write your thesis according to given standards (save it as e.g. my_thesis.docx). Follow the instructions in the writing guide and eventual instructions given by your supervisor (i.e. instructions applying to your specific field of study)
- Get your diploma work/thesis approved by your examiner
- Convert your docx-file to my_thesis.pdf
- Go to the library webpage, download the appropriate cover page, fill in the text accordingly, and save the coverpage as my_coverpage.pdf
- Merge the documents into one and, after receiving the approval from your examiner, publish your thesis in DiVA according to the instructions found at: Publish Your Thesis in DiVA
External link..
Links to Files for Download
The Template:
Thesis template ATM.docxWord, 86 kB. Word, 86.3 kB.
External link.
The Writing Guide:
Writing Guide For Theses Written at ATM Pdf, 466.4 kB.
Ready to Publish
When you are done, all formalities are fulfilled and your thesis has been approved:
Publish Your Thesis in DiVA External link.
Other Templates Relevant for Your Thesis
This page was last updated 2025-01-28