Welcome to Perspective on behavioural science of religion, 7,5 Credtis

Here you can find out more about course enrolment, course organisation and more. You can also find information about your syllabus and the course schedule.

Information about the course

Course and application code

RVA002, 13208

Study period and pace

vecka 36–50 på helfart

Register on your course

To keep your study place, you must register for your course no later than the course start date.

You register in Ladok for students, and the registration period opens two weeks before the course begins. By registering, you show that you are an active student in the course.

Syllabus and reading list

In the syllabus, you can read more about the course content, objectives, and how it is examined. In the reading list, you can see which course literature is included in your course.

You can find your syllabus and reading list at the link below. If there are multiple versions of a syllabus or reading list, you should refer to the latest edition.

Your Timetable

The course schedule is published no later than four weeks before the course starts. You can find your schedule using the Kronox schedule app. You can search by entering the course name, course code, or registration code.

Information från kursansvarig

In this course we study theories and methods in Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion and Didactics. We study how the theories and methods have been used and can be used to explain and understand different types of religious experiences, for instance mystical experiences, and religious behaviour.

The lectures take place in the form of a seminar, based on a special book or article. More information about this will be available on Canvas.

Seminars are examinative, so high attendance is required from the student. Since we meet Online, good sound and camera are a requirement for attendance.

Best regards



Student Support

Division of Educational Support

Telephone hours: Monday–Thursday 9.00–10.00.

Visiting hours: Monday–Friday 11.00–13.00 (Building 22)

This page was last updated 2024-07-09