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Tatiana Mikhaylova


Tatiana Mikhaylova


Forskningsämne: Pedagogik
Forskningsområde: Utbildningsvetenskap

Tatiana disputerade i maj 2022 med avhandlingen Shifting Shadows: Private Tutoring and the Formation of Education in Imperial, Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia. Projektet fokuserade på relationer mellan privatundervisning (läxhjälp) och skolan, främst på policynivån. Vilka aspekter av privatundervisning konstrueras som policy­problem? Hur argumenterar olika policyaktörer för eller emot privatundervisning? Vilken funktion fyller privatundervisning i relation till skolan? Frågor som besvaras i avhandlingen med utgångspunkt i den ryska kontexten. Även komparativa studier (Sverige-Ryssland) har gjorts.



  • Publikationer


Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). Minding the gaps : The politics of differentiation in Swedish education from 1842 to the 1960s. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 56 (2), 160-171. 10.1080/00220272.2023.2260456 [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). The timeless beauty of data : Inventing educational pasts, presents and futures through data visualisation. Critical Studies in Education. 10.1080/17508487.2024.2308689 [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2023). Skiftande skuggor: Privatundervisning och formering av offentlig utbildning. Kasvatus, 54 (5), 522-527. 10.33348/kvt.142124 [Mer information]
Forsberg, E., Hallsén, S., Karlsson, M., Melander Bowden, H., Mikhaylova, T. & Svahn, J. (2021). Läxhjälp as Shadow Education in Sweden : The Logic of Equality in “a School for All”. ECNU Review of Education, 4 (3), 494-519. 10.1177/2096531120966334 [Mer information]


Mikhaylova, T. (2022). Shifting Shadows : Private Tutoring and the Formation of Education in Imperial, Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia. Diss. , 2022. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 253 s. Länk [Mer information]

Kapitel i böcker

Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2020). From “threat” to “treat” : Cybernetics in the Soviet union. The International Emergence of Educational Sciences in the Post-World War Two Years : Quantification, Visualization, and Making Kinds of People. Taylor & Francis. S. 187-206. [Mer information]
Forsberg, E., Mikhaylova, T., Hallsén, S. & Melander Bowden, H. (2019). Supplementary tutoring in Sweden and Russia: A safety net woven with numbers. New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education<em></em> : Conducting Empirically Based Research. London & New York: Routledge. S. 207-229. [Mer information]


Mikhaylova, T., Pettersson, D. & Sundström Sjödin, E. (2024). Reading as a Societal Desire and a Scientific Fact. Nordic Education Research Association (NERA), Malmö, March 6-8, 2024. Malmö. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T., Pettersson, D. & Magnússon, G. (2024). The Murder Mystery of Teacher Education : A Historical Perspective on Debates on Teaching and Teaching Methods in Sweden. . Malmö. [Mer information]
Sundström Sjödin, E., Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). The Mystery of 50,000 Words : Tracing Numbers of Fiction. . Nicosia. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). The Shape(s) of Knowledge : Pyramids, Ladders, Trees and other Visual Representations of Bloom’s Taxonomy. . [Mer information]
Hallsén, S., Mikhaylova, T. & Rønningen, E. (2023). Extended School Hours as the Nordic Solution : Policy for Equality or Individual Achievement?. . Glasgow. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2023). Fabricating Normalcy Through Image-Based Assessments : A Brief History of Intelligence and Personality Tests. International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Budapest, July 17-21, 2023. Budapest. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2023). Governing education through graphs, charts, and diagrams : Visualizing the past, present, and the desirable future. . Glasgow. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2022). Education policy depicted for elementary school children : Examples from Soviet Russia and Sweden. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2022). The politics of public-private differentiation in authoritarian educational contexts : The cases of Russia and Belarus. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2022). Visualizing Politics and the Politics of Visualization : New Paths for Curriculum Theory?. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2021). (De-)Regulating Teacher-supplied Private Tutoring : The Case of Russia. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2021). Private tutoring as public concern in Imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. . Geneve. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2019). Cybernetics and Systems Thought as a Salvation for Educational Problems. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2019). Cybernetics in Soviet Union: From threat to treat. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). Exploring shadow education with curriculum theory: A conceptual framework. : Att teoretisera läroplansarbete, didaktik och ledarskap i en transnationell tid. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). Private tutoring for public good? Constructing educational policy in 19<sup>th</sup> century-Russia.. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). The formation of policy on private supplementary tutoring in post-Soviet Russia. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). The language of excellence: Insights from shadow education in imperial and post-Soviet Russia. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2018). A numbers game: Insights from shadow education in Russia. . [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2017). Dancing shadows: public education and private tutoring in the eighteenth-century Russia. . Göteborg. [Mer information]
Publicerad av: Camilla Haglund Sidansvarig: Sara Perttunen Sundberg Sidan uppdaterades: 2023-09-19
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