Relevant Professional Experience

Visiting ResearcherCBF, Högskolan i Gävle, Sweden 3/10-8/10
Performed research study examining sources of methodological variability on bias and precision of measurement results for electromyography data of the erector spinae muscles

Research Assistant/Associate — Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, Hopkinton, MA, USA. 7/03 —7/05

  • Managed biomechanics laboratory: installation, maintenance and upgrade or acquisition of laboratory equipment including: 12 camera Motion Analysis motion capture system, Kistler and Bertec force plates, 16 channel Noraxon telemetry system, 16 channel DelSys EMG system
  • Relevant Software Expertise: Motion Analysis EvaRT data collection software, Motion Analysis Sky Writing Batch Processing programming software + language, Visual Basic.
  • Assisted and advised researchers in protocol design, data collection, data analysis and write up
  • Provided regular laboratory tours to external groups
  • Promoted from Assistant to Associate January, 2005

Research Assistant — York University, Toronto, ON
Collaborated on design of data collection protocol
Recruited and managed all study participants. Solely collected EMG, electrogoniometer and kinematic data during 128 data collections on 32 participants at worksite in Green Bay, WI.
Processed and analysed EMG data. 10/02 — 4/03

Relevant Professional Experience — Concomitant With Graduate Studies
Research Assistant - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario- Developed research questions, designed studies, collected, processed, analyzed study data, and prepared manuscripts reporting findings in the areas of musculoskeletal disorders and low back pain
- Presented research findings at national and international academic conferences
- Supervised and mentored undergraduate research students to encourage and motivate proper scientific study design, data collection, analysis and timely report submission - Co-developed research and business proposal for collaborative research project. 5/07-8/09, 9/05-4/06

Supervisor of Undergraduate Research Projects - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON- Advised two undergraduate students throughout their 4th year research project, including guiding the study design, data collection, data processing, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, and manuscript revision. 9/08 — 12/08, 9/05-4/06

Teaching Assistant - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON- Taught laboratory component of introductory biomechanics course to 50 first year students, including laboratory lectures, supervising laboratory experiments, and grading laboratory reports and course exams. 9/08 — 12/08

Relevant Professional Experience — Concomitant With Graduate Studies: continued
Visiting Researcher — Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, University of Gävle, Umeå, Sweden. 5-7/06; 1-4/07

  • International collaboration to examine upper limb musculoskeletal patterns ? Wrote software to process and analyse previously collected data; developed variance component statistical model; wrote paper which was published in the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology
  • Presented findings to department to track progress and to promote knowledge transfer

Laboratory Instructor — University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON 9/07 — 12/07

  • Course title: Signal Processing and Instrumentation in Biophysical Research (graduate level)
  • Implemented and graded laboratory exercises for graduate students (MSc and PhD level) designed to help students develop data collection, processing and formal write up skills.
  • Instruments and topics studied included: accelerometers, potentiometers, video motion capture and digitization, electromagnetic motion capture (Polhemus ISOTRAK system), force transducers, digital filters, biomechanical modeling, and EMG to force models.


University of Waterloo - Waterloo, Ontario 9/05 - 8/09

  • Completed coursework and comprehensive examinations components of Doctor of Philosophy in Biomechanics degree
  • Relevant Courses: Advanced Analytical Biomechanics, Modelling of Human Musculoskeletal System During Movement, Spinal Tracking and Modelling, Biomechanics and Ergonomics Seminar
  • Equipment Expertise: NDI 3020 and Certus motion capture systems including usage with Bortec EMG amplifiers, AMTI force plates, AMTI force cubes (in vitro and in vivo settings)
  • Software Expertise: NDI Pipeline, Visual 3D, MatLab

University of Guelph — Guelph, Ontario
Masters of Science — Biomechanics 2002
The Design and Preliminary Validation of ´3D-Match´ — a Posture Matching Tool for Estimating Cumulative Loading of the Lumbar Spine

  • Designed and wrote data input method for software programme estimating cumulative spinal loading based on posture matching and tested validity and sensitivity of tool (Visual Basic).
  • Relevant Courses: Advanced Human Biomechanics and Biodynamics, Statistics

University of Guelph - Guelph, Ontario
Honours Bachelor of Science - Major in Human Kinetics 2001

  • Relevant Courses: Human Anatomy; Human Physiology; Biomechanics; Advanced Ergonomics; Linear Algebra