Morteza Eslahchi
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Eslahchi, M. (2023). Adapting to the COVID-19 world. Emerald, Journal of Workplace Learning, 35 (9), (50-65). 10.1108/jwl-02-2022-0014 [Mer information]
Eslahchi, M. (2023). Leadership and collective learning: a case study of a social entrepreneurial organisation in Sweden. Emerald, Learning Organization, 30 (6), (815-833). 10.1108/TLO-11-2022-0133 [Mer information]
Eslahchi, M. & Osman, A. (2021). Becoming a social entrepreneur. Adult Learning Australia, Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 61 (2), (195-215). [Mer information]
Eslahchi, M. (2023). Learning Together, Leading Change : Understanding Collective Learning in Social Entrepreneurial Organisations. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2023. Stockholm: Department of Education, Stockholm University. 102 s. ( ) [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-05-27