Nurse Professional Competence (Studier i Sverige och Kina)
Together with Prof Xu Lijuan Lishui university two projects with regard to elderly (see below) and one about Nursing students' self-reported Nurse Professional Competence at the time of graduation and one year later
CHEF studien (Chefer och medarbetares Förutsättningar, Hälsa/välbefinnande och Effekter för vårdens kvalitet inom akutsjukvården)
Äldre personers möjligheter att vara kvar i arbetslivet - en populationsbaserad studie om främjande faktorer med data från SNAC - projektet.
Vård och omsorg av äldre i Kina
Together with Prof Xu Lijuan Lishui university two projects with regard to elderly (see below) and one about nursing students see above
Project of National Natural Science Found of China: Prediction of Developmental Trajectory of Elderly Frailty Dwelling in Community and the Confirmatory Study on Health Management with the Key Intervention of Multicomponent Exercise
Project from Government of Lishui City: Effects of a governmental nursing home training program among managers and front-line staff.