Jan Svanberg
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Forskar inom Management Accounting, Performance, Accountability, CSR, Costs and Costing Systems.
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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade
Svanberg, J. (2013). Application of moral norms in accounting as communication. ARSP. Archiv für Rechts- und Socialphilosophie, 99 (1), (95-114). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J., Öhman, P. & Neidermeyer, P. (2019). Auditor objectivity as a function of auditor negotiation self-efficacy beliefs. Elsevier, Advances in Accounting, 44 (), (121-131). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J. & Öhman, P. (2013). Auditors' time pressure. Managerial Auditing Journal, 28 (7), (572-591). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J. & Öhman, P. (2015). Auditors’ identification with their clients. The British Accounting Review, 47 (4), (395-408). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J., Öhman, P. & Neidermeyer, P. (2018). Client-identified auditor’s initial negotiation tactics. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Managerial Auditing Journal, 33 (6-7), (633-654). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J., Ardeshiri, T., Samsten, I., Öhman, P., Neidermeyer, P., Rana, T., Semenova, N. & Danielson, M. (2022). Corporate governance performance ratings with machine learning. Wiley, International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management, 29 (1), (50-68). 10.1002/isaf.1505 [Mer information]
Svanberg, J. & Öhman, P. (2016). Does Charismatic Client Leadership Constrain Auditor Objectivity?. American Accounting Association, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 29 (1), (103-118). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J. & Öhman, P. (2016). Does ethical culture in audit firms support auditor objectivity?. Accounting in Europe, 13 (1), (65-79). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J. & Öhman, P. (2014). Lost revenues associated with going concern modified opinions in the Swedish audit market. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 15 (2), (197-214). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J., Ardeshiri, T., Samsten, I., Öhman, P., Neidermeyer, P., Rana, T., Maisano, F. & Danielson, M. (2023). Must social performance ratings be idiosyncratic? An exploration of social performance ratings with predictive validity. Emerald, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14 (7), (313-348). 10.1108/sampj-03-2022-0127 [Mer information]
Svanberg, J., Ardeshiri, T., Samsten, I., Öhman, P., Rana, T. & Danielson, M. (2022). Prediction of environmental controversies and development of a corporate environmental performance rating methodology. Elsevier, Journal of Cleaner Production, 344 (), 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.130979 [Mer information]
Svanberg, J. & Öhman, P. (2016). The effects of time budget pressure, organizational–professional conflict, and organizational commitment on dysfunctional auditor behavior. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 12 (2), (131-150). [Mer information]
Svanberg, J., Öhman, P. & Neidermeyer, P. (2017). The relationship between transformational client leadership and auditor objectivity. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30 (5), (1142-1159). [Mer information]
Öhman, P. & Svanberg, J. (2015). Påverkar en identifiering med klienterna revisorers oberoende? : . : Mittuniversitetet. s 7. (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2015:6) Mer information [Mer information]
Öhman, P. & Svanberg, J. (2013). Tidspress, etisk kultur och revisionskvalitet : . : Mittuniversitetet. s 6. (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2013:8) Mer information [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Öhman, P., Svanberg, J. & Samsten, I. (2023). Assessment of double materiality. Auditing Transformation: Regulation, Digitalisation and Sustainability. Routledge. S. 205-227. [Mer information]
Tarek, R., Svanberg, J., Öhrman, P. & Lowe, A. (2023). Introduction: Analytics in Accounting and Auditing. Handbook of Big Data and Analytics in Accounting and Auditing. Springer Nature. S. 1-13. [Mer information]
Svanberg, J., Ardeshiri, T., Samsten, I., Öhman, P. & Neidermeyer, P. (2023). Prediction of Controversies and Estimation of ESG Performance: An Experimental Investigation Using Machine Learning. Handbook of Big Data and Analytics in Accounting and Auditing. Springer. S. 65-87. [Mer information]
Rana, T., Svanberg, J., Öhrman, P. & Lowe, A. (2023). Handbook of Big Data and Analytics in Accounting and Auditing. Springer. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18