Jean Claude Mutiganda


Forskningsämne: Företagsekonomi


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Forskar inom Management Accounting, Performance, Accountability, CSR, Costs and Costing Systems.

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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

  • Alsaid, L. & Mutiganda, J. (2023). ABC as a Multi-Lens Sustainability Reporting System in Smart Cities. MDPI, Sustainability, 15 (12), 10.3390/su15129357 [Mer information]

  • Alsaid, L. & Mutiganda, J. (2020). Accounting and Smart Cities. Corporate Ownership & Control, 17 (3), (158-170). 10.22495/cocv17i3art12 [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J., Hassel, L. & Fagerström, A. (2013). Accounting for Competition, ‘Circuits of Power’ and Negotiated Order between Not-For-Profit and Public Sector Organisations. Wiley-Blackwell, Financial Accountability and Management, 29 (4), (378-396). [Mer information]

  • Fagerström, A., Hartwig, F. & Mutiganda, J. (2021). A New and Extended Balance Sheet for Sustainable Business. Mary Ann Liebert, Sustainability and Climate Change, 14 (5), (282-287). [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J., Wiitavaara, B., Heiden, M., Svensson, S., Fagerström, A., Bergström, G. & Aboagye, E. (2022). A systematic review of the research on telework and organizational economic performance indicators. Frontiers, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1035310 [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J. (2016). Financial management of public services in a hybrid organisation. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2 (4), (310-330). [Mer information]

  • Svensson, S., Hallman, D., Mathiassen, S., Heiden, M., Fagerström, A., Mutiganda, J. & Bergström, G. (2022). Flexible work: Opportunity and Challenge (FLOC) for individual, social and economic sustainability. Protocol for a prospective cohort study of non-standard employment and flexible work arrangements in Sweden. BMJ, 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J. (2016). How do politicians shape and use budgets to govern public sector organizations?. Public Money & Management, 36 (7), (491-498). [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J., Skoog, M. & Grossi, G. (2021). Investigating the implementation of and accountability in PPPs. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 11 (1), (122-146). [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J., Grossi, G. & Hassel, L. (2020). Investigation of communication in budgetary accountability routines. Emerald, Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management/Emerald, 17 (3), (321-344). [Mer information]

  • Wiitavaara, B., Strömberg, A., Mutiganda, J., Svensson, M., Hallman, D. & Svensson, S. (2024). Like a fire brigade, but without pay - Experiences of temporary employment among workers in Swedish elderly care. Elsevier, 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2024.09.012 [Mer information]

  • Alsaid, L. & Mutiganda, J. (2018). Political and business leaderships in managing public service organisation. Virtus InterPress, Corporate Ownership & Control, 15 (4), [Mer information]

  • Alsaid, L. & Mutiganda, J. (2024). Sustainability Management Accounting in Urban Development: A Case Study of an Egyptian State-Owned Enterprise. MDPI, Sustainability, 16 (18), 10.3390/su16188235 [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J. (2021). The influence of dissensus on governmentality during competitive tendering. Virtus InterPress, Corporate Ownership & Control, 19 (1), (29-41). 10.22495/cocv19i1art3 [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J. & Järvinen, J. (2021). Understanding political accountability in a strong structuration framework. Emerald, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 34 (9), (80-103). 10.1108/AAAJ-12-2017-3264 [Mer information]

  • Mutiganda, J., Skoog, M. & Igudia, E. (2023). Understanding the process of improving accessibility and affordability of inter-municipal bus transport system. Springer, European Transport Research Review, 15 (1), 10.1186/s12544-023-00598-x [Mer information]


  • Mutiganda, J., Hassel, L. & Grossi, G. (2015). Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Accountability in Inter-Organizational Management of Budget Cuts. [Mer information]

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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18