Martin Ahlenius
Om forskaren
Martin disputerade 2022 vid KTH med avhandlingen "The impact of motivation and person-job fit on employee turnover among Swedish real estate brokers: A mixed method approach". Hans specialisering är inom marknadsföring och fokusområdet är motivation och hälsa inom säljande organisationer.
Aktuell forskning
- The occupational life cycle of Swedish real estate brokers.
- Do intrinsic rewards matter for Swedish real estate brokers?
- Gained trust – an emotional and financial driver.
Visa innehållet
Ahlenius, M., Berggren, B., Kågström, J. & Åge, L. (2025). The role of gained trust: effects on intrinsic motivation, person-job fit and turnover intentions among real estate brokers. Emerald, Property Management, 43 (1), (43-57). 10.1108/pm-01-2024-0010 [Mer information]
Ahlenius, M. & Kågström, J. (2023). Fat cats or sociable wolves? Swedish real estate brokers and intrinsic rewards <em>-</em> A quantitative empirical generalization. Emerald, Journal of European Real Estate Research, 16 (1), (92-110). 10.1108/jerer-09-2022-0024 [Mer information]
Ahlenius, M., Berggren, B., Gerdemark, T., Kågström, J. & Åge, L. (2022). The occupational life cycle of real estate brokers: a cohort study. Emerald, Journal of European Real Estate Research, 15 (3), (351-367). 10.1108/jerer-01-2022-0001 [Mer information]
Ahlenius, M., Berggren, B. & Kågström, J. (2021). Exploring Motivational Factors Among High Performing Real Estate Brokers. Taylor & Francis, Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, 23 (1), (20-37). 10.1080/15214842.2021.2006892 [Mer information]
Ahlenius, M. (2022). The impact of motivation and person-job fit on employee turnover among Swedish real estate brokers: A mixed method approach. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2022. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 71 s. ( ) [Mer information]
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