Tatiana Mikhaylova
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Tatiana disputerade i maj 2022 med avhandlingen Shifting Shadows: Private Tutoring and the Formation of Education in Imperial, Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia. Projektet fokuserade på relationer mellan privatundervisning (läxhjälp) och skolan, främst på policynivån. Vilka aspekter av privatundervisning konstrueras som policyproblem? Hur argumenterar olika policyaktörer för eller emot privatundervisning? Vilken funktion fyller privatundervisning i relation till skolan? Frågor som besvaras i avhandlingen med utgångspunkt i den ryska kontexten. Även komparativa studier (Sverige-Ryssland) har gjorts.
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Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). Minding the gaps. Taylor & Francis, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 56 (2), (160-171). 10.1080/00220272.2023.2260456 [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T., Pettersson, D. & Sundström Sjödin, E. (2024). Science as a theatre of truth: Conceptualising the production of knowledge in reading research. Taylor & Francis, Cogent Education, 11 (1), 10.1080/2331186X.2024.2439624 [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). The timeless beauty of data. Taylor & Francis, 10.1080/17508487.2024.2308689 [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2023). Skiftande skuggor: Privatundervisning och formering av offentlig utbildning. Kasvatus, 54 (5), (522-527). [Mer information]
Forsberg, E., Hallsén, S., Karlsson, M., Melander Bowden, H., Mikhaylova, T. & Svahn, J. (2021). Läxhjälp as Shadow Education in Sweden. Sage, ECNU Review of Education, 4 (3), (494-519). 10.1177/2096531120966334 [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2022). Shifting Shadows : Private Tutoring and the Formation of Education in Imperial, Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia. Diss. , 2022. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 253 s. ( ) [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T., Pettersson, D. & Sundström Sjödin, E. (2024). Reading as a Societal Desire and a Scientific Fact. : Nordic Education Research Association (NERA), Malmö, March 6-8, 2024. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T., Pettersson, D. & Magnússon, G. (2024). The Murder Mystery of Teacher Education : A Historical Perspective on Debates on Teaching and Teaching Methods in Sweden. [Mer information]
Sundström Sjödin, E., Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). The Mystery of 50,000 Words : Tracing Numbers of Fiction. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2024). The Shape(s) of Knowledge : Pyramids, Ladders, Trees and other Visual Representations of Bloom’s Taxonomy. [Mer information]
Hallsén, S., Mikhaylova, T. & Rønningen, E. (2023). Extended School Hours as the Nordic Solution : Policy for Equality or Individual Achievement?. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2023). Fabricating Normalcy Through Image-Based Assessments : A Brief History of Intelligence and Personality Tests. : International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Budapest, July 17-21, 2023. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2023). Governing education through graphs, charts, and diagrams : Visualizing the past, present, and the desirable future. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2022). Education policy depicted for elementary school children : Examples from Soviet Russia and Sweden. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2022). The politics of public-private differentiation in authoritarian educational contexts : The cases of Russia and Belarus. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2022). Visualizing Politics and the Politics of Visualization : New Paths for Curriculum Theory?. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2021). (De-)Regulating Teacher-supplied Private Tutoring : The Case of Russia. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2021). Private tutoring as public concern in Imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2019). Cybernetics and Systems Thought as a Salvation for Educational Problems. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2019). Cybernetics in Soviet Union: From threat to treat. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). Exploring shadow education with curriculum theory: A conceptual framework. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). Private tutoring for public good? Constructing educational policy in 19<sup>th</sup> century-Russia.. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). The formation of policy on private supplementary tutoring in post-Soviet Russia. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2019). The language of excellence: Insights from shadow education in imperial and post-Soviet Russia. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2018). A numbers game: Insights from shadow education in Russia. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. (2017). Dancing shadows: public education and private tutoring in the eighteenth-century Russia. [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Mikhaylova, T., Pettersson, D. & Magnússon, G. (2025). “Who Killed Swedish Teacher Education?” Historicizing current debates on teaching and teaching methods in Sweden. Teacher Education and Its Discontents : Politics, Knowledge, and Ethics. Taylor & Francis. S. 26-45. [Mer information]
Mikhaylova, T. & Pettersson, D. (2020). From “threat” to “treat”. The International Emergence of Educational Sciences in the Post-World War Two Years : Quantification, Visualization, and Making Kinds of People. Taylor & Francis. S. 187-206. [Mer information]
Forsberg, E., Mikhaylova, T., Hallsén, S. & Melander Bowden, H. (2019). Supplementary tutoring in Sweden and Russia: A safety net woven with numbers. New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education<em></em> : Conducting Empirically Based Research. London & New York, Routledge. S. 207-229. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18