Välkommen till kursen English for Teachers in Secondary Education, 1-30 30 Credits

Här kan du läsa mer om kursregistrering, kursupplägg med mera. Här hittar du även information om din kursplan och kursens schema.

Information om kursen

Kurs- och anmälningskod

ENG020, 12523

Kursperiod och studietakt

vecka 36–03 på helfart

Registrera dig på kursen

För att behålla din studieplats måste du registrera dig på din kurs senast vid kursstarten.

Du registrerar dig i Ladok för studenter och registreringsperioden öppnar två veckor före kursstart. När du registrerar dig visar du att du är en aktiv student på kursen.

Kursplan och kurslitteratur

I kursplanen kan du läsa mer om kursens innehåll, mål och hur den examineras. I litteraturlistan kan du se vilken kurslitteratur som ingår i din kurs.

Du söker fram din kursplan och litteratur på länken här nedan. Om en kursplan- eller litteraturlista finns i flera versioner så ska du utgå från den nyaste upplagan.

Ditt schema

Kursens schema publiceras senast fyra veckor innan kursstart. Du kan själv söka fram ditt schema via schema-appen Kronox. Du kan söka genom att ange kursens namn, kurskod eller anmälningskod.

Information från kursansvarig

In total, ENG020 includes the following five modules:

0010 Language Structure 7.5 hp (week 36-45)
0020 Written Communication 5 hp (week 36-42)
0030 Contemporary Literature in English 7 hp (week 46-03)
0040 Language Didactics 7.5 hp (46-03)
0050 World English 3 hp (43-45)

Two weeks before the course starts, a detailed schedules with reading instructions will be made available on Canvas, our course platform.

More information on the examination format for each module can be found in the syllabus (kursplan). For some of the modules you will have to register for an invigilated exam taken on Campus. More information about how this should be done will be available on Canvas.

In addition to written and oral course assignments, please observe that in order to receive a passing grade, you are required to attend the classes and seminars here on campus. These course components are equally mandatory as other forms of assessment, since failure to participate in seminar activities will make it impossible to assess course objectives focusing on such skills.

To participate fully in this course, it is important also that you prepare well for the seminars by reading instructed parts of the course literature. You should be able to discuss particular models, theories and issues brought up in the literature rather than topics in general. Therefore, it is important that you get hold of the literature well in time for the relevant sessions. A good idea is to order the books indicated in the syllabus (kursplan) during the summer vacation. You will find a link to the syllabus and reading list in the first section of this online welcome letter.

Since the course runs at 100%, you must be prepared to allocate at least 40 hours of study per week, including class attendance, reading and writing assignments. Of course this is dependent on your level of ability and how fast you can read and write academic texts in English, but an estimate is to think of your studying with us as a full-time job.

Canvas will be our main digital channel for communication, and this is where you will find material about our course such as the timetable, instructions, assignments, etc. This is also where the different instructors will post general announcements concerning the course and the individual sessions. Your instructors will use the email client to send individual messages when necessary. Therefore, check the Canvas page and your email regularly.

Cheating and plagiarizing are serious academic offences, which result in failing the module in question and being reported to the university’s disciplinary board. To learn about plagiarism and get basic information on how to avoid it, please read this information: https://www.hig.se/student/stod-och-resurser/plagiering

In addition, you are required to aswer a quiz about cheating on Canvas before you submit any assignments in the course. One suggestion is that you do the quiz, as soon as you ahev access to the Canvas page.



Avdelningen för utbildningsstöd

Telefontid: måndag–torsdag kl. 09.00–10.00.
Besökstid: måndag–fredag 11.00–13.00 (hus 22)

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-07-16