Välkommen till kursen Engelska för grundlärare i förskoleklass och årskurs 1-3 15 hp (halvfart)

Här kan du läsa mer om kursregistrering, kursupplägg med mera. Här hittar du även information om din kursplan och kursens schema.

Information om kursen

Kurs- och anmälningskod

ENG021, 22534

Kursperiod och studietakt

vecka 04–23 på halvfart

Registrera dig på kursen

För att behålla din studieplats måste du registrera dig på din kurs senast vid kursstarten.

Du registrerar dig i Ladok för studenter och registreringsperioden öppnar två veckor före kursstart. När du registrerar dig visar du att du är en aktiv student på kursen.

Kursplan och kurslitteratur

I kursplanen kan du läsa mer om kursens innehåll, mål och hur den examineras. I litteraturlistan kan du se vilken kurslitteratur som ingår i din kurs.

Du söker fram din kursplan och litteratur på länken här nedan. Om en kursplan- eller litteraturlista finns i flera versioner så ska du utgå från den nyaste upplagan.

Ditt schema

Kursens schema publiceras senast fyra veckor innan kursstart. Du kan själv söka fram ditt schema via schema-appen Kronox. Du kan söka genom att ange kursens namn, kurskod eller anmälningskod.

Information från kursansvarig

Welcome to the department of English studies and English for Teachers in Preschool Class and Primary School, Grades 1-3!

My name is Britta Larson Bergstedt and I will be your course coordinator. You can contact me at britta.bergstedt@hig.se. This 15-credit course is given at a 50% study pace. Teaching starts in week 04 and ends in week 23. Teaching is conducted through interactive lectures and seminars, with an emphasis on using English as the primary language of communication. The course encourages discussions and reflections on the role and functions of the English language, as well as its application as a teaching subject for years 1–3.

Please read the following information in this welcome letter carefully.

You will study three different modules within this English course:

Basic language structure 3.5 credits
Children’s literature 4 credits
English didactics 7.5 credits

There is a set class schedule for all the modules on Mondays, 14-16 via Zoom. The first meeting will take place week 4, on Monday, January 20th.

You will also find the Zoom link to the meeting on Canvas : https://hig-se.zoom.us/j/63337293790 Länk till annan webbplats.

Please note that examinations may be scheduled for other days and times. Dates and times for examinations will be posted on Canvas.

Students attending courses in English at the University of Gävle are required to attend class in order to receive a passing grade. Studying English at our college involves obtaining subject knowledge, but also improving one’s ability to speak and write English. This can only take place if students meet their teachers and actively participate. Furthermore, most modules feature live, face-to-face, group work in order to accommodate the general course objective that “students should be able to compare and critically evaluate one’s own and others' texts and presentations”.

Failure to participate in weekly class sessions and activities will therefore make it impossible to attain a course objective. For these reasons, we require attendance, with only minor exceptions. To take exams and pass the course, students must attend all obligatory seminars. Each module has at least three obligatory seminars.

Additionally, two mandatory in-person meetings in Gävle are scheduled during the course (preliminarily scheduled for the 8-9 May and 3-4 June). If you are unable to attend, a second opportunity will be offered in August (w. 34) and in January respectively.

A study guide for each of the different modules, including timetables with reading instructions, will also be posted on Canvas two weeks prior to the start of the module. Since this course runs at 50%, you should be prepared to allocate approximately 20 hours to studying per week, including 2 hours class attendance, as well as individually preparing, reading and writing assignments.

Make sure you order the course literature for all modules in good time before the course starts. You will not be able to access the course page on Canvas until two weeks before the course starts, but the literature list can be found in the course plan which is part of this welcome letter.

In the Children’s Literature module there are many children’s books on the list and it might seem redundant to read all of them, but since it is necessary to read a large variety of books to see patterns and make well-grounded choices, we strongly recommend that you read as many as possible. However, you are allowed to replace a few titles with children’s books of your own choice. Use public libraries or share books to keep the cost down, but do not be afraid to invest in a few or several titles yourself. This is a way of starting your own collection of picturebooks that you can use in your future language classroom. Please note that Lundberg’s De första årens engelska and Sandström’s Kidworthy Works are not children’s books but required reading material in the module. All books in Basic Language Structure and English Didactics are required reading material.

You will be automatically registered on Canvas when you register for the course. This is our main channel for communication and where you will find material such as the timetable, instructions, assignments, etc. This is also where the different instructors will post general announcements concerning the course and the individual sessions. Therefore, check the course Canvas page regularly.

If you need support with any technical issues concerning Canvas, contact the support service through studentsupport@hig.se.

The syllabus (kursplan) is a legally binding document for teachers and students alike. Students should therefore refrain from requesting instructors to change the course content or shorten the reading list, for example. There is a separate link in the welcome letter to the course plan.

Cheating and plagiarizing are serious academic offences, which result in failing the module in question and being reported to the university’s disciplinary board. To learn about cheating and get basic information on how to avoid it, please read this information:

https://hig.se/Ext/Sv/Biblioteket/Skriva-och-publicera/Plagiering.html Länk till annan webbplats.

You will also be asked to take a knowledge test about cheating on Canvas before you can access any of the course material.



Avdelningen för utbildningsstöd

Telefontid: måndag–torsdag kl. 09.00–10.00.
Besökstid: måndag–fredag 11.00–13.00 (hus 22)

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-12-09