SEP 2024
kl. 11.00-03.00
Sustainable Campus Day
Come and celebrate sustainability and health on campus. Join the party and learn more about how to be sustainable.
Date: 5th of September
Time: 11:00-15:00
Location: Campus
Find activities and exhibitors on the map
Do something sustainable:
- Check out our design student posters for a sustainable and healthy campus
- Inspired by the Olympic Games? Try Beach Volleyboll (every hour)
- Try a fun game from our Piffle Box. It’s for free!
- Like Gardening? Plant some flower bulbs
- Give and Get at our Swop Shop
- What is a Healthy Campus for you? Express Yourself on our Interactive Billboard
- Celebrate our 20-year Anniversary as a ISO 14001 Certified University
Don´t miss this:
11:15-11:35 Seminar "One Health for One Planet" Mamunur Rashid
11:45-12:05 Seminar "Designing Living Environments for Sustainability & Wellbeing" Annika Viding
13:00-13:20 Seminar "How to increase biodiversity in your life" Lars Hillström
All seminars above in Generalen (room 91:208) same building as the Campus restaurant
11:15- 12:00 Get Active with Sporthuset (CANCELLED)
12:00-13:00 Have some free fingerfood for lunch
12:00-12:30 Join the Tree Planting Ceremony
12:30-13:00 Don´t miss the Cat Walk Fashion Show
13:00-15:00 Enjoy Music with Slim Vic
13:15-14:00 Learn about First Aid for Mental Health (Krusenstjernasalen in the university library)
13:30-13:45 Give yourself a yoga break
14:15-15:00 Discuss Sustainability in our Existential Cafe in Prego
Learn from local Organisations:
Cykla i Gävle, Gävle kommun
Gästrike Återvinnare
HittaUt, Orienteringsförbundet
Odlings PT, Studiefrämjandet
Omställning Gävleborg
Röda korset
Rädda Barnen
Slow food Gästrikland
Tid och plats
Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-05