Theses and Dissertations
Here you will find information on how to search for student theses and other research publications from the University of Gävle as well as from other Swedish and international higher education institutions.
Student theses from the University of Gävle
In the Digitala vetenskapliga arkivet (DiVA), all student theses from the University of Gävle from 2006 and onwards are available in full-text.
Research publications from the University of Gävle
Research publications, like dissertations, books, chapters in books, conference papers, reports and articles by authors at the University of Gävle are registered in DiVA.
Swedish essays and degree projects
Student theses and degree projects from all Swedish higher education institutions can be searched for in
Swedish Research Publications
SwePub is a national search service for research publications from Swedish higher education institutions. There are links to LIBRIS and to the Swedish higher education institutions own databases. You are often granted acces to full-text versions.
Swedish Dissertations
You can also search for Swedish dissertations in LIBRIS, the national library catalogue. Search by subject or author, then limit your search once you have obtained the search results, by choosing Theses in the right column, "Refine your search"
International Dissertations and Theses
These links give you access to Open Access dissertations from European and American universities.
This page was last updated 2025-01-10