Continuing Professional Development

The University of Gävle offers contract education and continuing professional development for employees in both the private and the public sector. We also offer single lectures, as well as short and longer courses.

The University of Gävle strives to actively participate in the development of the regional companies and organisations by offering tailored courses according to their needs and wishes. Courses will improve and develop the staff skills. All courses are at an academic level and are research-led in nature.

What sort of education do you need?

We can tailor and adapt the courses according to the employer's wishes regarding contents, start and end dates, extent, rate of study, location, examination, credits and more. There are also ready-made commissioned courses offered to companies and organisations where participants from several activities participate at the same time.

Courses within the regular range of courses offered

You may also choose to take courses within the regular range of courses offered. There are courses within several different fields of study suitable for professionals.

Please apply via External link.

What is contract education?

Contract education is regulated by Ordinance (2002:760) for contract education at the universities and higher education institutions and in Regulations of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education concerning contract education at universities and higher education institutions (HSVFS 2003:3).

Who can buy contract education?

Individuals may not buy places at a contracted course. Companies and other organisations, on the other hand, have a right to do so. Contracting parties in the business agreement are the company signatory of the organisation procuring the course and depending on the extent of the contract either the Dean of the faculty giving the course or the Vice-Chancellor.

Who can participate in contract education?

The company or organisation procuring the course decides who may participate. It is normally an employer that purchases some form of continuing professional development for their employees, but the case may also be that for instance the Public Employment Service procures admissions for those in search of work.

Which prior knowledge is required?

To participate in contract education, prior knowledge equivalent to the general entry requirements for higher education is required. Professional experience often implies that this knowledge as well as qualifications within the vocational branch have been acquired even if there are no formal certificates. This in turn implies that no grades or other formal certificates of prior knowledge have to be demonstrated. Instead it is the employer that decides if the individual's prior knowledge is sufficient. This applies for both credit awarding courses and courses that only award course certificates.

Can you get academic credits?

Yes, certain courses award academic credits after approved examination. At the examination, the requirements are the same as for the academic first-cycle programmes. Furthermore, the course certificate awarded after completion of the course and approved examination grants the same academic status as examination in the first-cycle programmes. This means that there is no difference between credits awarded in contract education and in first-cycle programmes.


Anna Jansson Åkerson

Collaboration contacts

This page was last updated 2024-11-04