The University and EU GREEN
The EU GREEN European University Alliance involves nine universities in Europe. University of Gävle is one of them. The EU GREEN collaboration has sustainability as its overarching theme. It also means that the University of Gävle's education and research is further positioning itself in a European arena.
EU GREEN stands for European Universities alliance for sustainability Growth, Inclusive Education and Environment. The purpose of the European University Initiative is to promote common European values and strengthen the quality of higher education.
The aim is to improve and promote sustainability and to solve societal challenges. The driving force behind the alliance is to build a more just world, a balanced economy, and a more viable environment.
Nine countries – Nine universities
Apart from the University of Gävle, the network includes universities from France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Romania, Germany and Ireland. The network will develop a model for international cooperation with a strong focus on social inclusion and the green and digital transition, which are important factors for long-term sustainability.
Interdisciplinary research and education will be encouraged, and students will have access to the educational and research offerings of the different universities. Exchange agreements have been signed with all universities, and there will be exchange opportunities for both staff and students.
- University of Gävle (Sweden)
- Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland)
- Universitá di Parma (Italy)
- Université D’Angers (France)
- Universidade de Évora (Portugal)
- Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Germany)
- Universitatea Din Oradea (Romania)
- Atlantic Technological University (Ireland)
- Universidad de Extremadura (Spain) – alliance coordinator
University of Gävle's involvement
The work with EU GREEN is divided into nine sub-projects, so-called work packages. University of Gävle is active in all work packages with many colleagues from different parts of the organization involved.
The work package on sustainable campuses is led by us and we are co-leaders of the work package on diversity, accessibility and inclusion.
The European Commission is funding the establishment of the EU GREEN network
The European Commission is funding the establishment of EU GREEN.
Today, there are more than 40 European Universities (networks) within the EU, comprising of over 300 institutions/universities.
Read more on the EU GREEN international webpage External link.
Follow EU GREEN on Youtube: EU GREEN Youtube channel External link.
News articles
2024-09-30 Sixth Graders danced to negative numbers
2023-10-12 Do you know what trees we have on campus? External link.
2023-10-06 Summit in Parma – EU GREEN work is deepening External link.
2023-05-10 Sök kurs inom EU GREE External link.N
2022-09-28 Meeting of heads of the universities of EU GREEN in Gävle External link.
2022-08-01 The University of Gävle forms new European University External link.
2021-09-26 Högskolan i Gävle vill bli ett Europauniversitet External link.
Malin Hillman, International Coordinator
Division of Communication and External Relations
This page was last updated 2025-01-22