Industrial Engineering and Management - Bachelor of Engineering 180 cr

Most engineers have their focus within a specific technical area such as electronics, data or structural engineering — but there are exceptions. An engineering approach is also needed at the management level.


Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Develop and streamline on all levels

The Study Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management is an innovative education which will give you a general view of the entire production chain - from idea to finished product or service. Logistics is one of the foundations in the education and will help you receive a general picture of the company's flows and how these are made more efficient. You will also gain knowledge within organizational theory, quality and environment - areas which are important for how a company is governed and developed.

Collaborations with companies

Within the programme there are several larger projects which are being conducted in collaboration with leading companies in the region. Through the project work you will get to meet people working in the profession, sometimes with the same specialization as you, and you can see how the knowledge is implemented in real working life. The degree project which completes the programme is an important step into the labour market.

Skills that trade and industry are crying out for

As a financial engineer you will have a very wide labour market. You can, for example, work within logistics, business development, project management, sales, marketing, product and production development, purchasing or quality control. These skills are very much in demand, this is confirmed by the great interest the companies in the region have shown in our students.


Bo Lennart Andersson, profilbild

Bo Lennart Andersson

Programme Director

This page was last updated 2024-09-18