Study Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Co-op 180 cr

How is a product manufactured? When you study to become a mechanical engineer you will receive a genuine knowledge of how a product comes about - from the basic idea and onwards through the whole process of manufacture. You will learn to develop, construct and produce products with the help of CAD, CAM and FEM programmes. Furthermore you will gain good calculation skills and a valuable insight into matters of logistics and quality.


180 cr

Application code


Application deadline

april 15, 2024

Form of education

Normal teaching



Study time

september 2, 2024–juni 6, 2027


General entry requirements for higher education in Sweden and courses corresponding to the following Swedish Upper Secondary School courses:

  • Mathematics 3c or Mathematics D
  • Physics 2
  • Chemistry 1


Grade/Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test: 60/40 %



Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Production knowledge is a strength

To have knowledge of both the production process and the financial and practical conditions which affect it is a strength which places mechanical engineers in great demand on the labour market.

Get to know future employers while on the programme

With its diverse platform, the Study Programme in Mechanical Engineering is a good foundation for a number of positions within most industries.

Projects are designed on reality

The education contains several larger projects where the project tasks are designed on real working life. The university has a close collaboration with a number of leading industry companies in the region. Through study visits, projects and degree projects you will get a good insight into the engineer's work day as well as useful contacts.

After graduation you could work with product and production development, construction, material development, purchasing, logistics, sales or quality technology.

  • Choose Co-op and get closer to reality
  • In order to become even more attractive on the labour market, you may choose to study on a Co-op programme. This will provide you with employment experience by combining studies with work during paid periods of work at a company. You will not get any closer to reality at a university!


Madeleine Wedlund, profilbild

Madeleine Wedlund


This page was last updated 2024-04-21