Description of enclosed file associate senior lecturer, senior lecturer and professor
The application must contain the content specified below, enclosed in a maximum of 25 separate files.
1. Cover letter including contact details (1 page maximum).
2. CV A list of (2 pages maximum):
2.1 University degrees and other relevant academic qualifications.
2.2 Current employment and employment history.
2.3 Any periods of leave of absence, including parental leave.
2.4 Additional relevant experience for the position.
3. Research activity. Summary of scientific achievements, including:
3.1 Doctoral dissertation.
3.2 International, peer-reviewed publications.
3.3 Books and chapters of books.
3.4 Conference papers.
3.5 Additional publications.
3.6 Awarded grant applications.
3.7 Supervision of third-cycle students: state year of admission and year of completion (if applicable) and describe your contribution as a principal /assistant supervisor.
3.8 Presentation of current research activities. Specify national and international collaborations, independence and dissemination of research results.
3.9 Research statement.
4. Teaching experience.
Summary of teaching experience, including:
4.1 Teaching experience (course design, implementation, teaching, examination, evaluation/assessment) and course development: name of course, year, level, course length and your role in the course.
4.2 Experience as supervisor of first-cycle and second-cycle students.
4.3 Training in higher education teaching and learning.
4.4 Teacher self-reflection. Foreground your teaching philosophy and how it manifests itself in your own teaching practice
5. Additional relevant merits for the position Presentation of:
5.1 Administrative and leadership experience.
5.2 Experience of collaboration and community engagement.
5.3 Popular science activities.
5.4 Additional relevant merits.
6. Degree certificates, other certificates and transcripts. Enclose attested copies of your degree certificates and transcripts of your academic record including written evaluations and course evaluations.
7. Relevant scientific and educational/pedagogical works (no more than 10).
8. Reference list including contacts details

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This page was last updated 2024-04-14