Welcome to Advanced Academic Writing in Business Studies 7,5 Credits

Here you can find out more about course enrolment, course organisation and more. You can also find information about your syllabus and the course schedule.

Information about the course

Course and application code

FEA150, 21105

Study period and pace

week 04–13 at half speed

Register on your course

To keep your study place, you must register for your course no later than the course start date.

You register in Ladok for students, and the registration period opens two weeks before the course begins. By registering, you show that you are an active student in the course.

Syllabus and reading list

In the syllabus, you can read more about the course content, objectives, and how it is examined. In the reading list, you can see which course literature is included in your course.

You can find your syllabus and reading list at the link below. If there are multiple versions of a syllabus or reading list, you should refer to the latest edition.

Your Timetable

The course schedule is published no later than four weeks before the course starts. You can find your schedule using the Kronox schedule app. You can search by entering the course name, course code, or registration code.

Information from the course co-ordinator

Advanced Academic Writing in Business Studies gives students the knowledge needed to carry out academic work in business studies in the course, the students are introduced to relevant philosophical backgrounds such as ontology, epistemology, and axiology to understand and reflect on their own philosophical position in relation to their academic work. The students are also introduced to different approaches to theory development, such as inductive, deductive, and abductive approaches. In the course, the students also practice how to be critical in an academic writing process and learn the importance of referencing, including how to use references and proper referencing systems. This is a half-time course with a weight of 7.5 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) points. The course runs between week 4 (January 21) and week 13 (March 30), 2025.

Advanced Academic Writing in Business Studies is a campus course. All communication and information dissemination will be done through Canvas, the university’s web-based learning management system. Thus, you are expected to be registered and familiarized with our course in Canvas, ideally even before the first meeting.

Teaching is provided through lectures, seminars, consultation, presentations, writing, and giving feedback. In addition, material and information will be made available in a course room in Canvas for registered students. The course employs a blended learning style of education. This means that WE blend online and digital learning components with in-class activities. It implies that you will have diverse learning activities throughout the course. The course will be delivered in English, including oral presentations, discussions, and all written material.

The Course Introduction on January 23 at 09:00 in room 31.329.

The grading of the course is based on two assessment tasks:

1. Thesis Proposal – hybrid (individual and team); formative assignment

2. Written Home Examination - individual assignment

Note: Detailed information about these tasks will be available in the Course Guidelines that you will find in Canvas.

Compilation of scientific articles approximately 300 pages scientific articles

Reference eBook: Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (latest edition), Research Methods for Business Students, Harlow: Pearson publications, about 860 pages.


Student Support

Division of Educational Support

Telephone hours: Monday–Thursday 9.00–10.00.

Visiting hours: Monday–Friday 11.00–13.00 (Building 22)

This page was last updated 2024-12-06