Services and resources
In order for students to succeed as well as possible in their studies, a number of resources have been set up to provide support. For example, Studiehjälpen provides support when motivation is lacking or when it is difficult to stay focused on your studies. Or if you need practical help such as writing references, there are guides and short courses. All these resources are available on this page.
Services and resources
At Study help (Studiehjälpen), you can get concrete and continuous support on study techniques, study planning and motivation through thematic lectures and drop-in sessions.
The Writing Centre offers specific advice during individual tutoring sessions to develop your writing. We offer support to students at all levels and in all parts of the writing process.
When writing a scientific work, it is important to refer to the sources you have used in your work in a correct way, so that the reader of your text can easily and clearly understand...
Do you want to learn more about information searching, source criticism and how to recognise scientific articles and other publications? The library provides support and guidance in searching and assessing information.
Advice and tips on how to use and refer to other people's texts and work when writing without plagiarising.
Do you have questions about your current study programme and your future career paths? Then we can give you support and guidance in your choices.
When you have been granted study support, there are different ways to get support. Here we describe some of the most common things that students with disabilities can access, and how to apply for study...
If you feel unbalanced and it affects your health and your study skills, then you can turn to the Student Health Service for help and support.
This page was last updated 2024-10-10