Freestanding Courses
All higher education consists of courses that you can either take independently or as part of a programme. The courses are divided into first and second level.
Studying freestanding courses instead of a study programme means freedom of choice. You yourself can combine subjects according to your own interests and profile your own education that results in a higher education qualification. One advantage of studying freestanding courses is that you can try different subjects before you decide on which subject you want to have as the main field of study in your higher education qualification.
You can study subjects in the order you prefer and vary the rate of study, which means either full-time studies, part-time studies, or you can choose distance learning courses.
For campus-based courses, the form of study includes scheduled seminars/lectures on campus and self-studies. Courses are usually introduced and ended with compulsory seminar meetings.
When studying freestanding courses at the University of Gävle, general entry requirements always apply.
Courses catalogue
Summer Courses
To study summer courses has become increasingly popular in recent years. Therefore, the University of Gävle offers a selection of courses during the summer period.
Course packages
Course packages contain a number of courses within one or a few chosen subjects. The course packages contain a standard combination of a few freestanding courses put together to increase your knowledge within a specific field. When you apply to a course package, you will be automatically admitted to all courses in that package.
Nordic Ecology Outdoor studies in Nordic Ecosystems A 30 credits External link.
Recommended Study Path
A recommended study path is designed around a main field of study, which is supplemented with freestanding courses in a number of other subjects. Our aim for recommended study paths is that all your chosen courses together will form a whole.
The major difference between a study programme and a recommended study path is that there is no established programme syllabus for a recommended study path.
Course syllabuses
In the course syllabus, you will find a description of learning outcomes, main course content and information regarding teaching and examination formats. You can also see the higher education credits of the course and see the reading list.
The syllabus can be found on each course page.
This page was last updated 2024-06-24