Rules of conduct in the Library

We all have a shared responsibility in making the library a pleasant place to be in. To create a good study and working environment, we have listed a few important points we would like everyone to respect when visiting the Library.

Eating and drinking in the library

  • Hot or cold drinks with lids, sandwiches, candy, and fruit are permitted in the Library, but other types of food must be consumed in areas assigned for eating here on campus.
  • Please aviod eating snacks or food that contains peanuts and other types of nuts.

Show consideration to others

  • Please use headphones or a headset when you participate in online events like teaching via Zoom.
  • Respect other visitors by keeping conversations at a quiet level.
  • Mobile phones must be set to silent mode, to give everyone the chance to study in peace.

Keep order

  • You may move chairs to provide seating for more people around a table or a computer, but please put all furniture back when finished.
  • When you have finished reading a book, place it on a book cart, so we can reshelve it for you.
  • All litter should be disposed of in the recycling bins provided on all levels. All students would like to find study spaces and group study rooms in a tidy condition.


Library information desk, profilbild

Library information desk

Monday–Friday 9–16

This page was last updated 2024-06-14