Gloria Macassa
About the researcher
Licensed Medical Doctor; Professor of Public Health Sciences and Epidemiology, Associate Professor in Public Health Sciences (MIUN); Associate Professor in Social Medicine (KI).
Food Security, Nutrition and Population Health (2018-2027)
This research includes the project food security and health equity which is part of a five-year SIDA program and aims to study the relationship between food insecurity, nutrition, eating habits and health outcomes in Mozambique (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, and psychological health in partnership with universities of Lund, Uppsala Chalmers, University of Stellenbosch and UEM (2018-2024); and studies of food insecurity and eating habits in school children; ONE HEALTH studies (linking human, animal and plant health) in DRC and studies of the link food insecurity -climate -sustainable development in various contexts (2023-2027). (PI and leader of the research group/network Food Security, Nutrition and Population Health)
Inherited trauma: mental health and intergenerational trauma in Swedish Eritreans in Stockholm (2023-2025)
The research is aimed to gather knowledge of how Swedish Eritrean young adults and their parental generation experiences trauma and trauma transmission, mental health, and social conditions. (PI- Mattias S-TC/KI).
Business and Population Health (2024-2028)
The research investigates how CSR, RL and HRM impacts internal (employees) and external stakeholders (communities) health and wellbeing in high, middle, and low-income countries. Current studies include Age Management in HEIs of five EU countries Poland, Portugal, Spain, Ukraine, and Sweden and multi-country studies on Entrepreneurship and wellbeing in SMEs. (PI and research coordinator for the multi-country study -with Polish partner ).
Social sustainability, urban redevelopment, and health (2024-2029)
The studies assess urban redevelopment and individual/neighborhood health and wellbeing; as well as climate change and health impacts in urban areas in developing countries (g. Maputo City). (PI).
Sustainable health behavior and wellbeing (2024-2029)
The research addresses how health promoting, and sustainable behaviors (sustainable diets and active transportation) are associated with human health and the social, economic, and environmental contexts. Furthermore, the research investigates how digital technologies can promote behavior change in different population strata. Current studies include active transportation and physical activity perceptions among adults in Sweden and Mozambique; and studies that investigate active transportation modes among teleworkers using shared workspaces in high, middle, and low-income countries. (PI)
Interpersonal/structural violence and health and wellbeing (IPSV-Health) (2024-2029)
The research assess the interconnection between IPV and SV as well as their syndemic relationship with health and wellbeing among women and men in high, middle and low-income countries. Data collection is being carried out in Europe and Africa.
Completed projects
EU-ABUEL (2008-2010); EU-PROMO (2008-2010); EU-Dove (2009-2013); ChildSA (2012-2015); GHOLDH (2012-2017); CAHI (2014-2019), Erasmus+ REVAMP (2019-2021); CSR-PhAM (2018-2023); SESHP (2018-2023); SIV-DipHE (2021-2023).
Short Curriculum Vitae
I graduated in Medicine from UEM, Maputo-Mozambique (1992). Thereafter, I was awarded a master’s in public health sciences with emphasis in Demography at Karolinska Institute (1999) and a PhD in Epidemiology from Karolinska Institute (2004), Sweden.
PhD Thesis
Poverty and health in different contexts- social inequalities in child mortality in Mozambique and 19th Century Stockholm . Karolinska Institute/CHESS (2004).
Current Position (s)
2014 - Professor of Public Health Sciences, University of Gävle, Sweden
2013 - Professor of Public Health Sciences, Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
2011 - Associate Professor of Social Medicine, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
2011 - Associate Professor of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
2015 –Professor of Public Health Epidemiology, University of Porto Medical School.
2023: affiliated Professor of Public Health Sciences, University of Skövde, Sweden
Previous Position (s)
2012-2013 - Senior Lecturer in Public Health Epidemiology, Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
2010-2014 - Senior Lecturer in Public Health Sciences, Department of Occupational and Public Health Sciences, University of Gävle, Sweden
2011 - Guest Researcher, Department of Psychology Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
2007-2010 - Epidemiologist, Division of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences; Karolinska Institutet, (Research Group Health and Safety Promotion; sub Section Violence and Determinants of Health)
2005-2007 - Epidemiologist, Division of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences; Karolinska Institutet, (Research Group Health Equity and Policy Analysis)
1998- Associate Professor Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Eduardo Mondlane University, Faculty of Medicine, Mozambique
1992-1996 - Clinical Director, Malhangalene Health Centre, Ministry of Health, Maputo, Mozambique
1992 - Senior lecturer Public Health and Epidemiology, Department of Community Health, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
Activities in Peer Review Journals
Member of the editorial board (s)/current
- BMC Global Health Research and Policy
- Acta Medica Leopodiersia
- Guest Editor Frontiers in Public Health (Health services management and leadership-COVID-Style)
- Guest Editor Sustainability (CSR and stakeholders health and well-being)
Supervision of PhD Students
Current PhD students
- Alice Pedro Magaia MD, MPH. Thesis title: Food Insecurity, Eating Habits, and Health in School Adolescents (Registered at EMU/2024).
- Janete Mabuie, MSc Nutrition: Thesis title: Analysis of the Dynamics between Traditional and Conventional Medicine in the Breastfeeding Program in Mozambique (Registered at EMU/ 2023).
- Rute A Camilo. Thesis title: Leadership, organizational structures, and wellbeing among the Portuguese armed forces (Registered at EU/2024).
- Maria da C. Neves. Thesis title: The Psychosocial Situation of Family Care Givers of Relatives with Dementia (Registered at EU/2024).
- Madalena Francisca S. Ernesto Coelho. Thesis title: The Psychosocial Situation of Bankers: The Case of the National Bank of Angola (Registered at EU/2025).
Completed: D.G.Act, 2011; A.E Z, 2012; Beh. Isl 2013; Ism Y, 2015; D.A.Sarastri 2016; D.Ari, 2017; A.K.Erik, 2016; A.S.Hiswåls, 2017; H.S.Abassi, 2018; KirYT, 2019; Af.B, 2021; El.Ahmadi, 2024, E. Militao, 2024.
This page was last updated 2024-08-19